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GerryB Asked April 2020

Does a patient in a SNF have to stay because of teeth needing extraction and not having a home to go to?

Patient has been in a SNF for eight months cannot get his SSI back because no address to give to the SNF for discharge. He is more then capable of caring for himself besides getting his teeth out. He is 55 yrs old. Went in for a minor infection after month he recovered now eight months later he is tested non covid-19. In the SNF with over 59 positive covid-19. And 11 staff positive. SNF will not discharge him without an address to go to. Please help with your support. Thank You God Bless all Covid-19 patients and caregivers.

Bostongrammy Apr 2020
More information would help us help you better.
If he doesn’t have an address, where would he go if discharged?

JoAnn29 Apr 2020
Sorry, you don't go to a Skilled Nursing facility for 8 months for a minor infection. There has to be more to this. SSI meaning Supplimental income? If so he needs to get hold of Social Services. I would think a bank account would be enough so the check can be direct deposited.


NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020
Geeeez, so sad. I’m so sorry.


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