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angustia1234 Asked April 2020

Should I put my father in hospice?

My father is almost 96 years old. Physically he does ok, but mentally he has declined a lot. He has suffered anxiety since he was younger and now became worse I just want they give comfort at home. Maybe medication to sleep better, and be more relax in the day. Because I want to keep him at home with me.

NeedHelpWithMom May 2020
My experience with hospice was wonderful. My brother used an end of life hospice facility. I will always be grateful to the nurses, social worker and clergy they provided.

They were there the entire process. The social worker provides services to the patient and their family. Even after the patient dies they will be there to comfort family members.

My brother was comfortable while receiving hospice care and I found their service to be so lovely with the family.

BarbBrooklyn May 2020
I agree with Mid, hospice will be able to adjust medications so that he is calm. I would especially recommend this if your geripsych is telling you that s/he cant prescribe more, or that it will lead to falls.


Midkid58 May 2020
Hospice will address all those needs.

You don't have to agree to anything you aren't comfortable with--but being anxious all the time is awful, just AWFUL.

Hospice will get him on whatever meds will ease his life as he is passing. No need to be brave and tough. Keep him comfortable.

25 mgs of Seroquel is not much. This is one drug that has a very wide range of dosages. I'll take up to 100 mgs and I know a woman who is on 500mgs at bedtime.

This is why Hospice is good--any problems with medications and they can address them immediately.

BarbBrooklyn May 2020
We found that adding a geriatric psychiatrist to mom's care team was the best decision we made.

Meds for depression and anxiety helped even out her sadness and agitation.
angustia1234 May 2020
Yes he has one geriatric, and he takes xanax for anxiety, effexor for depression and quetiapine 25mg for sleep and I give 2 melatonin before bed. But I don, t see that help to much.
gladimhere Apr 2020
Hospice can be in your home. It is not 24/7 care. Different staff from hospice will come in a few times a week to help with bathing, etc. Hospice does have outpatient n some places.
angustia1234 May 2020
Thank you for your answer.


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