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Jennarel Asked May 2020

Anyone need a free hospital bed or commode?

I have a hospital bed and commode for free. My Mom passed away in February 2020 in a nursing home. I'm in the Southwest Chicago suburban area.
Must be picked up.
Anyone interested please contact me.

MountainMoose May 2020
Thanks for asking, Jennarel. When my mom passed, she had a lot of medical items like a commode. (Hospice retrieved her hospital bed that they had brought her.) All her items like the commode, wheelchairs, and an electric-riser-recliner I donated to the hospice for them to use for their clients who couldn't afford to buy their own. They were very grateful for the donation.

Ahmijoy May 2020
It’s not unacceptable and don’t be sorry. I just think you’d have better luck finding someone to take the bed locally than on here. I’ve seen many posts for hospital beds and other equipment on Facebook Marketplace. Good luck.


Jennarel May 2020
I'm sorry, I saw many post similar to mine and believed it to be acceptable.

JoAnn29 May 2020
Did you buy the bed outright or got it thru Medicare? If from Medicare, they actually rent it. The person owning it after the cost of the item has been met. Like rent to own. So depending how long you have had it, you may want to check with the company who supplied it, if its being rented. You may have to return it.

A commode is hard to get rid of. Medicare gives them and walkers out like candy. For both, try Firehouses and places like Lions club to see if they take them. I live in a rural area that has an organization called Ruritans. Call around to Nursing homes. Sometimes they will take them to replace ones that are older.
Jennarel May 2020
Hi Joanne,
We contacted Medicaid and they said that they don't want it back and it now belongs to my mother.
Since we don't need it I would like it to go to someone who can use it.
Ahmijoy May 2020
I’m so sorry for the loss of your mother. However, we are a forum for caregivers to share ideas and experiences with our caregiving and not a donation or for sale page. This site is international. When someone has something to sell or donate, we suggest they list it on Craigslist, Facebook marketplace or sites like Offer Up. You will probably have better luck listing it locally.


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