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zeenna2002 Asked May 2020

I am not sure which way is better? Send my mom to a rehab or keep her at home and take care of her?

My elderly mom with dementia fell a week ago and sustained a hairline fracture of her pelvic bone. I took her to the emergency room and the following day she was discharged to the rehab. My mom is extremely difficult and doesn’t like hospitals or nursing homes. She was extremely upset to be in either place. Covid 19 made the matter worse and I was not allowed to see her which made matters worse. At 9:00 p.m. the rehab did not yet have her medications which made her agitation much worse and they face timed with me to show me that she was extremely anxious. They did not inform me that medication was not available yet. She doesn’t eat the regular food and is very picky. I dropped off some Mac and cheese for her to eat. I was extremely upset for her. The next morning at 9:00 o’clock I arranged for her discharge since they said she refused everything. Didn’t want food, medication or physical therapy. I brought her home. The problem is that she has a part time caregiver whom she likes but doesn’t not like anybody new. So between the one caregiver and myself and my daughter, we are taking turns to watch her 24 hours. It has been extremely difficult. I asked the rehab before the discharge if she is able to walk and they said yes with assistance. She doesn’t want to get up because of the pain even though she takes pain medications. I wish there was no more lockdown and she could go back to the rehab. Either way I am very depressed. I feel bad for what happened to her and the fact that she is so difficult and doesn’t cooperate. I am not sure how long we are going to suffer? I am worried if she goes to the rehab and it doesn’t work out, or stay home and we suffer.

Momheal1 May 2020
Not sure what state you are in but home health I believe is considered essential. I chose to pause my mom’s in home therapy but they were still working and being fitted for masks etc.
I am in Florida. Unfortunately I couldn’t find a facility in my area a year ago that could provide the care I believe should be given. Never mind with Covid - I feel for the families having to go through this virus with a loved one in a assisted living or nursing home.
I came home this time with mom in mid February after a UTI and encephalopathy with home health and they were still fully providing services. They check with us often to see when we are ready to start back up, so I do believe they are considered essential workers. Best of luck - it’s a hard journey going it alone from home right now. Sending you strength.

artemis69 May 2020
my mom is in hospital recovering with uti but will be discharged soon...problem is she is not being cooperative in hospital, throwing her food tray, spitting out her medication and trying to bite a nurse. She came in with just some dementia but pretty together and now the doctor claims its worsened rapidly but doesnt know why. Families feelings are that this is how she normally is and its not the dementia. How do you seperate the dementia for the person. Nurse and doctor do not want to recommend a trip home with a home health aide because of her behavior but good lord sending her to rehab facility would be a death sentence...either from corona or from dementia spiraling out of control. Do not know what to do but family members leaning toward putting her in rehab. If we can just get her to calm down and realize what the implications are, I feel she can settled with a full time home health aide at home.

how on earth can anyone justify sending someone to a potential death sentence in the rehab facility, she will just become another number to make $$$


Daughterof1930 May 2020
Your mom needs the rehab. Her care and getting over this injury is beyond what you can provide in home, especially with the likelihood of in home therapists not being available now. And please, stop trying to fix everything for her, it won’t help or work. Sadly, she has a disease that makes her unreasonable and all the fussing over her trying to make her world just the way she likes will never work. Acceptance is a gift you give yourself

Isthisrealyreal May 2020
She should be able to get in home health care.

Did anyone give you any criteria for what you should expect. She just fractured her pelvis, should she be getting up?

Can you use ice or heat to help with the pain?

Does she have any type of brace?

Can she understand that she doesn't have all the say and she cooperates or she goes back to the hospital then to rehab.

Stop letting her unreasonable expectations run the show.

I would not be willing to care for someone with a pelvic fracture without physical therapy and very clear doctor's instructions.

What do you mean if rehab doesn't work out?

If nothing else it makes her tantrums someone else's problem for a while, it could very well get her treatment that could calm her down.

JoAnn29 May 2020
I assume their is no Homecare because of the virus? I would call the discharge person and ask. If there is, you can get therapy for her at home. Or, just going to have to wait until bann is lifted.


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