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Operator Asked May 2020

Neighbour gave my parent a vodka beverage during the COVID19. I became frustrated and upset at my stepdad when he came home and told me.

I'm feeling guilty for overreacting with frustration at my stepdad when he came home from the neighbors. Found out my Stepdad went up the road to visit the neighbors after I have repeatedly ask the neighbors to not socialize during the pandemic with my stepdad just to remind him politely of the pandemic. At the same time my stepdad has the very first stages of dementia and he still remembers, but tends to do stuff when I ask him not to and he can be very sneaky and stubborn! Just feeling like I'm not a good person.

Countrymouse May 2020
This must be extremely frustrating, I can imagine.

Your stepfather shouldn't be going out. Your neighbours shouldn't be inviting people in. The vodka beverage is neither here nor there, unless there's some other particular issue.

Unfortunately, you are not in charge of any of these other people. You can make your views clear, you can have certain standard expectations, you can express disapproval of breaches of rules that apply to *all* of us. But that's your lot, really. You can't tell any of them what to do.

When you say, overreacting - did you overreact, actually? Unless you clapped him in irons and locked him in his bedroom I'm not sure anything you said would necessarily have been an overreaction - just a legitimate expression of your feelings, no?

BarbBrooklyn May 2020
So, stepdad has dementia.

Where I live, we have to wear masks if out in public and stay 6 feet from other people.

Are those the rules where you are now?

If dad can't be trusted to follow current guidelines, then he needs to be more closely monitored by someone.

Also, I would be pretty ticked off at the neighbors.


Operator May 2020
No we live here with him.

BarbBrooklyn May 2020

We are all on edge.

Does your dad live alone?


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