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supra1 Asked May 2020

I would like to have Medicare along with Medicaid. Is it possible?

I need to find out if my wife and I can qualify for the Medicare and Medicaid programs.

JoAnn29 May 2020
I responded to another post u had.

If your wife is 71 why did u not sign up up when u where 65? Are you a citizen or a greencard holder. As I said in the other post, you need to pay into Social Security to get Medicare at least 10 years (40 qtrs)

Again, try your Office of Aging or Social Service Dept.

mstrbill May 2020
It depends on your income levels for community Medicaid or QMB programs. Also the state you live in. What is your income and state?, Maybe we could help see if you qualify.


lealonnie1 May 2020
You are posting 2 of the same questions, but neither make sense. Think about what your question really is, and edit this post to give us more details about your needs.


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