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anpasa Asked June 2020

Can I pay my son for part time care in home should I need in the future? How do you legally do this?

My husband and I are concerned about our care as we age to not become a financial /emotional burden for my son and daughter in law should one of us pass away and the other left in decision making for self care .

We are leaving our home to my son , so selling would be left to his own decision.

I would like to look into setting up part time help should I need it for outside help to be in place. But should this become a situation where I ( or my husband) will be incapacitated and need full time care in home, how do I set this up where he can receive monetary reimbursement for his responsibilities?

We have looked at LTC in Hawaii and this is the most cost efficient and preferable way we are choosing.

I would like to have the needed legal paper work for these decisions in place.

Where can I find more information about this situation?

Thank you.

Geaton777 Jun 2020
Hi anpasa, I applaud your wisdom in planning for your most senior years. Some more information would be helpful: how old are you? Do any other family members who live in Hawaii? Does your son have a children or a career? Have you discussed this plan with him so that he understands the responsibilities of being a long-distance Power or Attorney? How have you come to the conclusion that Hawaii is the "most efficient" if your son doesn't live there also?

You, your husband and son will need to meet with an elder law attorney who specializes in estate planning and that person will help you create all the legal structure necessary so that you can be as prepared as possible.


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