Why do you need to get him up? Personally, I would consider that respite time. At 96 I'm sure there is no particular reason to awaken at any certain time.
Caring4Dad4, I'd read a lot about dementia, since, that's what your subsequent post says he has. As the dementia progresses the brain and body change. Dementia is terminal. I'd try to determine at what phase your father is in.
I'd inquire from his doctor about hospice or you can contact one yourself and ask for an evaluation. They can offer help. With covid, I'd ask what the home services are at this time. Normally, they offer home help with his care and nurse that sees him once a week. Not sure how covid effects that. They offer supplies, equipment, like hospital bed, wheelchair, etc. which is covered by Medicare. They also have a social worker and chaplain to help the family. They may be able to evaluate his condition and let you know what to expect with your father moving forward.
Most people who have dementia eventually become bedbound and often are not able to do anything at all, even feed themselves. I hope you can get him and your family some help.
He is not the person he use to be and that's ok. Sleep is needed more and more as we age and especially with dementia. So often it is what WE expect, that is upsetting. But with dementia we can not expect just accept. It is what the mind allows them to do at the time.
Speak to his Doctor for additional advice regarding your concerns.
He is 96 and he is tired. My father has started doing the same thing. I am grateful that at least he has no pain, is well taken care of, and we just let him sleep. Please rethink your resistance to this. Best wishes..
Thank you for your answers. I have tried everything from talking to his doctors to checking his medications. He has dementia and can’t seem to focus on anything. I’ve tried keeping him engaged, playing cards, doing puzzles, but he doesn’t remember how. Even reading the paper is difficult for him. He just seems to be staring at it and reads the same thing over and over. He doesn’t want to go out and complains that the walk from the dining room to the living room is too far. Dad lives with me now which is much easier for me, but the waking up issue is difficult. I’ve been told it’s just his age. He is tired.
As with my 2 dear aunties, ages 98 and 101, I pray they pass peacefully in their sleep. It's the best exit possible. May you have peace in your heart as you give him TLC. He is blessed to have you!
Did it seem like there was anything that changed when he started sleeping more? Or did it just kind of increase slowly and then one day you noticed that it seems like a lot of sleeping going on? I don't know if 16 hours is that crazy for someone his age.
As stated by others, could be something medical. Could be depression. Does he have a lot of pain? On any new(ish) meds?
When you try to get him up, I'm assuming he basically is fighting you and just wanting to stay in bed? Does he want to eat? Is he bored? Does he have anything to do and anything to look forward to?
So many question, sorry! Just probing to see what path this might be on.
I would say to try not to get so annoyed with him wanting to sleep. Try to find out why and if there is no "answer", maybe you need to adjust your thinking on it so that you can not be getting upset every day. That's no good for you. If he's OK and for some reason wants to stay in bed, maybe you're going to have to try to accept that, for your own sanity.
I agree about getting a medical opinion on his condition. He may have some medical problem that is bothering him. He may be depressed or it may be that he's 96 years old and is tired. After, figuring out what the cause is, I'd try to obtain ways to keep him comfortable and content. Perhaps, he is content with sleeping.
Caring4Dad4, if you haven't already contacted his doctor, please do so. It could be a medical issue that may have a pharma treatment. Your profile says he is 96yrs old and lives in his own home, and that you do not relish taking him in to your home but you'd like to. First find out what his medical issue is. If he has some profound health thing going on, this will inform your decision to move him into your place. You are retired and his needs, unless it is more like a hospice solution, may quickly overwhelm you, so do find that out first. He may just be "running out of steam" and if he chooses to not pursue treatment, having him in your home may be brief but manageable. Let us know how it goes. I wish you all the best!
8 Answers
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I'd read a lot about dementia, since, that's what your subsequent post says he has. As the dementia progresses the brain and body change. Dementia is terminal. I'd try to determine at what phase your father is in.
I'd inquire from his doctor about hospice or you can contact one yourself and ask for an evaluation. They can offer help. With covid, I'd ask what the home services are at this time. Normally, they offer home help with his care and nurse that sees him once a week. Not sure how covid effects that. They offer supplies, equipment, like hospital bed, wheelchair, etc. which is covered by Medicare. They also have a social worker and chaplain to help the family. They may be able to evaluate his condition and let you know what to expect with your father moving forward.
Most people who have dementia eventually become bedbound and often are not able to do anything at all, even feed themselves. I hope you can get him and your family some help.
Speak to his Doctor for additional advice regarding your concerns.
Please rethink your resistance to this. Best wishes..
As stated by others, could be something medical. Could be depression. Does he have a lot of pain? On any new(ish) meds?
When you try to get him up, I'm assuming he basically is fighting you and just wanting to stay in bed? Does he want to eat? Is he bored? Does he have anything to do and anything to look forward to?
So many question, sorry! Just probing to see what path this might be on.
I would say to try not to get so annoyed with him wanting to sleep. Try to find out why and if there is no "answer", maybe you need to adjust your thinking on it so that you can not be getting upset every day. That's no good for you. If he's OK and for some reason wants to stay in bed, maybe you're going to have to try to accept that, for your own sanity.