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SMB1974 Asked June 2020

My stepmother keeps accusing me of not visiting my father with Alzheimer's, during Covid-19 pandemic. Should I feel guilty?

This pandemic has been extremely difficult for the entire world. Every friend I have has ceased to visit their aging parents out of safety. My stepmother keeps accusing me of being uncaring and just out for an inheritance that I have not been made aware of at all. Not visiting seniors right now seems like the best way to handle covid-19. I believe that going in their house would put them at risk, as I have already been tested twice for coming into contact with positive friends. Anyone else being guilted during this pandemic?

Grandma1954 Jun 2020
Can you set up a visit and keep a safe distance?
They can be on a porch or deck and you can sit on the lawn.
If step-mom can get him to a local park or restaurant that has open outdoor seating would that work?
Present these ideas to her and if she can agree to meeting but keeping distance then you can arrange a visit. BUT if she refuses to get him out to the porch or deck, if she can not get him to a park or local restaurant that is on her and you have shown that you have tried to come up with acceptable solutions.
Nothing to feel guilty about. I am sure you want to visit as much as she wants you to visit your dad you are just being safe and protecting both of them

Tothill Jun 2020
You know you are doing the correct thing. So you know you have no reason to feel guilty.

Now if you did go visit and somehow Covid hitched a ride and your Dad and step mum got sick, then feeling guilty may be an appropriate emotion.

Stand you ground and make it clear to your step mum that you have nothing at all to feel guilty about.

You may want to assure her that you do miss them and when things are safer, are looking forward to visiting again.



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