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karbar Asked July 2020

Should I cater to my mother's food dislikes?

My mother will no longer eat most meats, veggies, pastas, hot foods, red sauce, rice, you name it. She is an insulin dependent, 5 shot a day diabetic, very difficult to get protein in. She dies drink protein drinks but not enough. To complicate things she had 2/3 of stomach removed but is doing well there. All she wants is sweets, a non, can have very small amounts. When we eat out we have to find restaurants that sell cereal. I'm about at the end of my rope.

Isthisrealyreal Jul 2020
Have you tried high protein options that are also sweetened with sweeteners that she can have?

I would try Greek yogurt with added nuts and fruit.

Peanut butter with sugar free jam or whole fruit spreads

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes

What a out adding nuts to the cereal she will eat

Protein bars are really good for lots of protein in a small bar

None sweet ideas

Rrefried beans with lots of allowed cheese.

Meat highly seasoned and cut into strips for finger food.

karbar Jul 2020
Moms swallow is fine. She is 89. She says nothing appeals to her, unless if course its sweets or bread and those need to b in moderation because of her severe diabetes and subtotal gastrectomy.


karbar Jul 2020
She eats sugar free jello but as a diabetic and having 2/3 of stomach removed she needs at least 60gm of protein a day. She is 89.

earlybird Jul 2020
Suggest a swallow evaluation, and a consult with a nutritionist. It was so helpful for me planning my moms pureed food diet and thickened liquids and keeping her safe. My mothers nutritionist suggested Cabot Whey unflavored Protein, one scoop = 20gm, I mix it with her hot cereal in the morning, but make sure it is ok with her doctor. I would not give her foods she does not like. I have been there, done that, and all in the best interest of my mom, but with the advice from caregivers on this site, I changed my thinking and started giving her sweets she really likes. It has only been a few days, but my mom is eating better, appetite has increased, she did have 4 desserts yesterday, but this is new to her. I believe she will make better choices as she gets used to planning her own menu with some assistance from me. She is a diet controlled diabetic, but not on any medication. Small frequent meals, bigger meal at lunch time as suggested from caregivers here. Fruit and veggie smoothies, cream of wheat mixed with milk, added protein and banana are foods I give my mom and tolerates well. When we ate out I used to bring her pureed food and pudding, I called ahead and ask the manager if it was ok. Most restaurants understand and allowed me to do it. We have not dined in a restaurant since March, though. I take my mom out about once or twice week and get take out. I bring her pureed food in a cooler or a warmer bag, and she eats with the rest of us. This works really well for all of us. Hope you find a good solution, and things get solved soon. The best to you and your mom!

AlvaDeer Jul 2020
It is my opinion that adults should eat what they like, when they like and as much as they like within reason. You have a diabetic and apparently she lives with you? She also has a disability with the stomach? You do not mention age. At some point the diabetes will interfere with the kidneys and then likely even proteins will be limited. It may be time to consider palliative care, titrating the insulin as is being done, and letting the person eat what they want to eat. There is so much taken from us in these circumstances. Seems to me food choice is about the last straw.

JoAnn29 Jul 2020
You can't make her eat what she doesn't want to. Having 2/3 of her stomach removed is like having gastric bypass. She probably fills up quickly. Maybe spacing out her food during the day. Like constantly feeding her to make sure she gets her calories. People suffering from Dementia lose smell and along with that taste. Sugar and salt is what they can taste. You may want to have a swallow test done. The reason why she won't eat the foods you listed, she has a hard time swallowing them. If cereal is what she likes, than let her have it. Go with the flow. Trying to fight her will just stress u out. She has Dementia.

Riverdale Jul 2020
Could you choose sugar free options? Sugar free jello as an example seems no different than the sugar ones. You don't mention your mother's age. If she is agreeable to protein shakes I would consider that to be positive.


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