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DebraS76 Asked July 2020

How can I have my 80 yr old mother declared Incompetent? I know she has signs of Dementia but no Doctor has diagnosed her yet?

She passed the Neurologist exam 3 yrs ago in the office... but now she’s much worse & at night she’s crazy & mean every nite & I’m disabled w MS & Scoliosis. I can’t take the ABUSE anymore! She also has a lady who helps her who bullies me..& I had to go to Hotel twice ..( in last 2 yrs) & this helper threatened to call Police on me 2 yrs ago & she did ! cause I left a note for her take her shoes off? No reason to call police? & then last week again she threatened to call Police on me cause I was upset she wouldn’t let me speak to my mother? I defended myself to her & she chased me Into the kitchen kept saying she’s gonna call Police on me??? I was so upset.. I couldn’t breathe, took MS ATTACK felt like Heart Attack terrible chest pains & that day later I flee to a Hotel for 2 days ( spent $200) & I already pay my mom $800 a month for a tiny room & now I go to give my Mother her nite meds & she calls my Brother up In Philly to get her OUT of here??? She has a woman helper who bullies me & knows too much about my mom’s wealth & my brother hates me for no reason ..cause he never wanted to help my mom in her old age like I’ve had for 20 + yrs since she moved to Florida

I'm way too disabled for all this toxic abuse!

this house is in TRUST for me..& if I leave .. she can’t live alone , she'll sell it & I’ll lose it.. but I’m at point now .. I don’t care anymore ...& I just wanna leave forever..

My mother also Bullies me ! She calls me a loser, a liar, claims I never want to help her when I can’t??? I have Multiple Sclerosis, Severe Scoliosis ( my Right side has now collapsed, pain is EXCRUTIATING at times, & now I need Neck Surgery.,,???

1) What is best & fastest way to have her declared incompetent?
2) How can I file Abuse Charges against the helper? & possibly against my Mother?
3) How can I seek / receive Financial Assistance to Relocate? I have enough Income to Rent a nice Condo.. but .. need $$ to leave , clear out Storage unit, hire Movers..& have 1st & last deposits, I’m in Florida & want to move to S Carolina,
She is constantly threatening to throw me out & then minute later she begs me not to go???

I Mentally & Physically cannot TAKE the ABUSE Anymore!!!

im a good daughter & have fought for my mother all my life... Got her free real estate taxes, moved in w her 2 yrs ago, every hospital stay was there for her & demanding fr Doctors to take her out of pain.. as she suffers fr Chronic pain as do I.. been her caregiver for 15 yrs..& now that I’m disabled she hired part time help.. BUT ALL the time I LOST due to her Difficulties, Her ABUSE, Her Nastiness...I can never get back! I’m very ANGRY.. cause I was disabled since 2008 but at least I could walk , get dressed up to go to dinner & dance occasionally but NOW I progressed in last yr so badly, last night none of my clothes looked good on me, can no longer wear my wedges or heels,& I can barely WALK..& I’m all alone no husband only an ex boyfriend (who is now my Close friend )... so angry cause my Scoliosis Is so bad.. that I’m severely crooked , my Spine is deformed, & my right side has Collapsed..& the curve is worsening every day that last week I could bare breathe & I felt my rib cage in my stomach & it hurt so bad..& when my back is Out & Spasming I cannot Walk at all! I’m only 55 & look like 50 but this Horrific Stress is making me look 80???? Please Help me... please
God Bless

❤️ 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Geaton777 Jul 2020
Who is the durable PoA for your mother? Without being able to physically get her (voluntarily to the doctor's office) I don't know how they can test her. You can't make her do anything if you don't have legal authority to do so. If she's worse at night she is "sundowning" which is part of dementia. I would consult with social services. You are under no obligation to stay with your mother and endure the abuse. Your brother is not obligated to help her either and his choice to not participate is perfectly legitimate. If the promise of an inheritance (of the house) is keeping you in bondage you should maybe reconsider and get your life back. If no one has PoA for her and you don't have the funds to pursue guardianship she will most likely become a ward of the county and then her assets will go towards her care. Not sure how that will impact the trust and the home. More details from you would be helpful.


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