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Jena25 Asked July 2020

Where do Covid positive patients in long-term memory care go when hospitals have no beds and their facility won't keep them there in FL?

Parents were sent to Hospital and tested positive but hospitals can't take them as inpatient cause there are no beds avaliable and they have late stage Dementia and Alzheimer's.

AlvaDeer Jul 2020
States and even Counties and Cities are all dealing with this in different ways. This is a question for the facility you are dealing with.

Geaton777 Jul 2020
Jena, I live in MN and my 85-yr old MIL in a LTC facility just survived having covid without ever going into the hospital. She has no underlying health issues, such as diabetes, lung or immune problems but she was very sick for 4 weeks and then had a full recovery. They put her on oxygen right away and only treated her fever with acetaminophen on a schedule. That's all the treatment she had. She was so sick we had her sons come from AZ to "say goodbye" and in the last week ordered hospice and then...she rebounded. FYI the doctor told us in some cases even if a senior survives the virus they may have residual problems like cognitive, breathing organ failure. I wish you all the best as you help your parents. Just posting this to let you know the virus doesn't always take the elderly, but it might take a while to overcome it.


Beatty Jul 2020
I am not in FL, but near me memory care residents must have an Advance Care Directive or Living Will. Many/most would include DNR. (In my opinion a more accurate & kinder term/concept than DNR is 'allowing natural death'). Some even have 'no hospital transfers for pneumonia'.

While Covid-19 is a new virus & so doesn't seem very natural, it causes pneumonia - a common serious illness in the elderly. Doctors used to even call it 'The Old Man's Friend'. It was seen as a peaceful passing.

I believe many elders (following their advance care directive wishes) will remain in place - I've heard it called Palliate in Place.

In your case with hospital not accepting, I imagine your parents will be transported back to memory care. This would be a benefit as being in a familiar place adds comfort.

Many do recover... Be hopeful, but also prepare yourself.

I cannot imagine what this situation must be like for you. I send my best wishes of strength to you.


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