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Alexfernande297 Asked July 2020

My grandmother had dementia and is forgetting a lot and isn’t eating, will she die?

My grandmother is sick in a nursing home. She hasn’t been eating well and has major depression from losing her husband. A few years ago she was at a mall and fell and broke her hip putting her in a rehabilitation facility, before she was living with us. She got even more depressed then she got better and was then moved to a nursing home. A few days ago I got a text saying she may not live much longer as she is forgetting how to speak and now only speaks her 1st language, Portuguese, I don’t know if she is in active dying but I want to know will she live longer. What should I do to help especially during Covid-19. I don’t want my best friend to leave me. I’m just 13 with many loss and problems and don’t know if I can deal with her passing

Geaton777 Jul 2020
Alex, what do your parents say about this situation? Perhaps they have done all they can to protect her and show their love during the forced lock down. I've not seen my mother-in-law in person since mid-March. She had covid and was so sick for 4 weeks that we called up her other 2 sons from Arizona to "say goodbye" to her. Then the nursing home recommended hospice. Amazingly she did recover but I totally understand how sad, frustrated and scared you feel for your gramma. Millions of other people are in the same situation. Again, speak to your parents so that you can have a fuller understanding of what they have done and are able to do for her under the current circumstances. I wish you peace in your are a dear little sweetie pie for your loving concern for your gramma. She is lucky to have you.


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