I'm in a real funk after talking to one of my sisters yesterday. She is angry with me for walking away from my father who was 88 at the time (two years ago). I've put up with both verbal and physical abuse since I was a kid - hands around my throat with him threatening to knock my teeth in. I had been knocked to the floor and dragged by the hair of my head when I was just a kid. Even told me one time he couldn't stand to look at me. I could go on. There were 5 kids in the family and the 1st three of us had to put up with the bullying. I attribute their mental health issues to his actions. The younger siblings never experienced it at all, esp my youngest sister who thinks he's wonderful. I had had enough after the last angry outburst from him and decided that it was best for my well being and state of mind to simply walk - no contact for two years. Now he's in hospital with Leukemia I found it yesterday and my sister is upset that I've dumped all his care giving on them. I have offered to assist financially only. It's hard esp. since I am the oldest (now 65). I cannot be in the same room with him at all. I feel absolutely no love towards him what so ever. I'm having a hard time dealing with the fact that I'm now totally cut off because everyone is upset with me. Feeling depressed and as if I'm the only one who sees the clear picture of what a complete jerk my father has always been. Anyone else experience this??
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That your sister did not experience what you did does not entitle her to expect your assistance in his care.
If you have a good relationship with your sister, you can tell her you're willing to help HER with things she might need, as long as you don't have to be in contact with your dad. If she can't understand your feelings, there's not much more that you can do, other than to try and keep the lines of communication open with her.
Your mental health matters, and trying to bury the feelings about your dad will cause you nothing but pain. I hope you can reach a resolution with your sister that will work for both of you.
She wants you to forgive and forget abuse, yet she won't accept that you can not continue to be abused by this man, so she isn't forgiving you for her having to take care of him. Maybe she is more like him than you know.
You are correct in keeping yourself away from the abuser, regardless of what he is to you.
I am sorry you were abused by your father. No-one deserves the wrath of someone else's wounds and sickness. Your little sisters experience is much different and its okay for her to have a relationship with her father. Your experience is very different and its okay for you NOT to have a relationship with your father.
It seems to me you're doing what is required and no guilt is necessary.
You didn’t dump all the caregiving on your siblings. If they chose to do it, that’s on them. You had every right to walk away. And I’d say your dad did the dumping by failing to plan for old age. You’ve done more than a lot of siblings have done by offering financial support. I agree, your sister needs to practice what she preaches and forgive & forget!
are you totally cut off from all the siblings? What is stopping you from reaching out to them? Your youngest sister, it seems she thinks she’s calling the shots? Don’t let her drive a wedge between everyone.
You can support your sister. If she wants it and if you want to give the support.
You can help her or her family while she is helping your father.
You do not have to explain, you do not have to rehash what he did just tell her that you can not care for him personally.
If she or anyone else in the family "doesn't get it" there is no need to explain your decision.
Do not let the feeling of guilt make you do something that will be harmful to your mental health.