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Maine127 Asked July 2020

How can you get an elder parent assigned a social/case worker and how long will it take when Dr. or Nurse is of no help to assist us?

We have been trying since all the COVID started but it seems to be one thing or another so a friend suggested we contact the local area on aging on getting Mom assigned a case worker to get the ball rolling to see about getting her into a memory care unit or similiar since she can no longer live on her own and has been with living with us and that has reached a point of not working either. She is 90 and we get she is old but both DH and I are returning to work full-time and we have 2 teenage kids that hopefully be in school and she cannot be left alone. We basically have to do everything for her including reminding her to use the bathroom, she will not eat unless someone makes it and brings it to her, same with drinks and sleeping is a whole other issue, she would 16+ hours a day in bed if she could. Everyone is just burnt out with arguing with her and now all arguing with each other. She doesn't have an offcial diagnosis which we were hoping to get but then COVID hit and pretty much ended that but we are almost 100% sure shes got Alzheimers or Dementia as she fits all the symptoms. She won't go to the physical Dr. office and flat out refuses to do a virtual visit so what other options are available unless we are missing something. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Maine127 Jul 2020
We are actually waiting to hear back from the Area Agency on Aging but needed to get the ball rolling since we are not sure how long any of this will take. It just seems like a catch 22 because she needs to get evaluated but she flat out refuses to go to the Drs office so it is like we are just spinnng our wheels. We have seen the decline since we have been home and there is no way she can stay by herself for an hour let alone a hole day.

JoAnn29 Jul 2020
Not sure if Office of Aging can help you with placement. She would still need to be evaluated. They can help with resources. Maybe even an aide but not sure if any of that will happen while COVID is still going strong.

You need to get Mom evaluated and only you can do it. Tell a little white that that Medicare is requiring her to have a physical. She needs labs done to see if her problem is physical. At her age it could be a UTI, dehydration, diabetes, low potassium...all have symptoms like Dementia. Thyroid, hormones... A doctor can not do testing without seeing Mom. Once you get something from the doctor saying she needs 24/7 care then you can have her placed. MC is private pay so if Mom cannot afford that, then a nice LTC facility with Medicaid paying for her care. But the best way to get her in would be private pay for a couple of months while you apply for Medicaid. Which is what I was lucky to be able to do.


DeeAnna Jul 2020
Did you contact your local Area on Aging and talk to them about your Mom? What did they say?


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