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musabayane Asked August 2020

How do I stop abusive relative from coming to see an elderly client they have hatred for?

Every time she visits he gets agitated. Every time she visits they end up quarrelling, it ends with him being sick and he claims she is the cause of his situation.

JoAnn29 Aug 2020
OP has not responded.

grimgraham4 Aug 2020
I was thinking a restraining order or maybe have on a visitor not allowed list.


JoAnn29 Aug 2020
OP says Independent living. Its not really a facility.

Since client suffers from a Dementia, who pays you? That person, or as said, a family member should be called and told about the relative. Then the family member can tell the relative to stay away. If you work for an agency, tell your supervisor and she/he can call the contact person. This is not something you should get involved in by banning the relative.
Grandma1954 Aug 2020
When I read Independent Living, I assume (may be a bad thing to do) it is a Facility that has Independent Living. When I read Living at Home I then think this is a caregiver hired to care for this person in his home or another's home.
So given that I made the assumption that this person is in a facility.
Grandma1954 Aug 2020
Are there other relatives? Can you talk to them about this person?
If you are working in the facility possibly discussing this with the Director you can explain that the visits upset Mr. XX and that maybe they should be supervised. That after these visits it makes caring for him more difficult.
If you can arrange to have Mr. XX brought to a common area it may lessen the chance of a heated argument.

MammaDrama Aug 2020
Does the client not want the visit? If the client says no to the visit, I think you can help send the visitor away.


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