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DDBrown69 Asked August 2020

Is there a list of medications that should not be touched by your hands?

Like Morphine I know you shouldn't touch it at all.

Midkid58 Aug 2020
Any drug that poses a threat to the individuals for whom the med was NOT prescribed will 'probably' be warned before getting the meds by the pharmacy or the Dr.

Some as mild as Valium cream or gel that is rubbed into the thin skin of the forearm is absorbed really well. Daddy had that while on Hospice. I'd rub his arms and give him a very gently massage and forget to wash my hands first. I can say we had some pretty mellow afternoons before I realized what I was doing 'wrong'.

Yep--fentanyl patches must be used carefully. Also several Cancer drugs, none of the names come to mind at this moment--but the containers will likely be emblazoned with "do not touch or handle capsules w/o protective wear".

When in doubt, ask. I remember when DH had his liver transplant and there was one med that I had to glove up to handle.

JoAnn29 Aug 2020
Usually when u get a prescription the info attached will tell you if you should touch it or not. I know there was something my DH took that I, as a woman, was not to touch.


AlvaDeer Aug 2020
Fentanyl. That one above ALL. Do read all the literature on any drug given to you. Many nitro patches and so on. Those that should not be touched will have warning labels. Any medications that are meant to be easily absorbed through the mucous membrane or the skin are a danger for giving you a dose. Do just search engine the subject for a lot of information. Look it up under any sentence such as "drugs that can be absorbed through the skin". Or "danger of absorbing drugs through the skin:" and etc.


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