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joelfmi118 Asked August 2020

This posting is for the families of loved ones that died due to actions of Andrew Cuomo the governor of NY causing over 20 thousand deaths

Including my beloved wife of 54 years. by sending patients that tested positive with virus into assisted living and nurse homes infecting tens thousands of seniors Cuomo wants loved one to shut up and let him get away with what he did. please READ THIS POSTING BELOW.

Fox News senior meteorologist Janice Dean said Tuesday that she was told lawmakers were “uncomfortable” with her testifying about New York’s nursing home deaths. Dean first spoke with Brian Kilmeade on his radio show “The Brian Kilmeade Show” Monday and noted that she was originally told she could testify and then was cut.

*!Uncomfortable* with people like Janices dean wanting to testifying that is outragious What are they afraid of.

This proves how must he cares about our families. I only hope people like Janice Dean and others make him pay for what he has done to ours these poor people and the lord punishes him.

joelfmi118 Aug 2020
Let me know what how you think. Get involved for the sake of your poor loved ones. speak out.



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