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Invincihawk Asked August 2020

Parents having a hard time cooking meals. They need a good nutrition. Is there any meal deliveries for them daily?

Mom is 83 dad is 77. They live in Rockdale Tx. They need balanced meals thanks. Concerning Son 

GardenArtist Aug 2020
I would also suggest Meals on Wheels.   In my father's area, MOW were delivered by friendly volunteers, who also served as feedback if they suspected something was amiss with their clients, i.e., not answering the door, someone became ill, etc.

Meals can also be ordered for holiday weekends, so that clients aren't w/o during those periods.   The meals are just delivered with the meal preceding the holiday.

You or someone else in the family could also prepare meals, freeze them, and take them to your parents for freezer storage and thawing and cooking when needed.

Do you think they'd like prefrozen meals, such as those marketed by Stouffer's, Lean Cuisine, or other companies?   If so, you could stock up on them when they're on sale.  All your parents have to do is microwave them, assuming they have a microwave.

Your profile states that your mother has lost her sense of smell and taste.  Is she by any chance taking Amiodarone for a cardiac condition?   Our neurologist told us that Amio can affect smell, taste, and another sense but I can't remember offhand what it is.

jkm999 Aug 2020
Another vote for Meals on Wheels if they are eligible. In my area you first contact the Agency on Aging (county government) and they will determine eligibility. Usually you have to show that you cannot adequately shop or prepare meals on a routine basis. Delivery is once per day with one hot or microwaveable meal and one cold/sandwich meal. Cost is based on income. I delivered Meals-on-Wheels for years and during that time they were prepared by the local hospital and were actually delicious. Now in our area they are using a commercial vendor and they are pretty sad, although still meet nutrition requirements. You may want to look at Schwann's home delivery of frozen meals. More expensive than Meals on Wheels but definitely a step up in terms of preparation and quality.


MJ1929 Aug 2020
I have elderly relatives who've hired a lady to come about every three weeks to cook and freeze meals for them. She does all the shopping for the meals, too.

You could run an ad asking for someone to do that if your folks are still able to reheat food.

peace416 Aug 2020
Look into if there's a "Meals On Wheels" in their area. I don't know the particulars of how it works but I'm sure if you contact them, they will explain. Or, do a search on here (see above right) and type in meals on wheels.


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