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Badger Asked August 2020

My mom acts like she has dementia to get attention?

When she wants to remember something, she has no trouble. If I ask her to do something, like don’t let the dogs out....I’m spraying poison. Not 10 minutes go by and the dogs are out. Repeatedly. Does she just want to make me mad and show she’s in control and can do whatever.

JoAnn29 Aug 2020
Turn it back on her. Let her overhear a conversation with ur husband saying "Seems Mom has Dementia. If so, I cannot care for her so maybe time for an AL if she can afford it or a NH."

Are u sure Mom was not always like this? Now ur living with her you just are more aware of it.

Maybe she would do better in IL or an AL. She would have people to interact with. Activities and transportation to shop and go to appts.

Rainmom Aug 2020
A quick story -

At this point in time my mother had recently been released from a three week rehab stay - that had been the result of a fall. The fall itself hadn’t done any real damage but the ER trip did show a UTI and cellulitis.

However - mentally, my moms dementia had gone from mild to high end moderate overnight. The doctors were mystified and ran several tests - more than one CATSCAN and more than one MRI. These tests showed that her brain had atrophied some and there was a bleed the size of a “pencil point”.

Anyhoo - mom fell again and I - of course - ran to the ER to be with her. Together we were in her cubical for about two hours waiting for test results. Honestly, she seemed fine. I left for a couple of minutes to go to the bathroom.

When I returned to her cubical, mom looked at me and said “Rain, when did you get here?” I was alarmed to say the least. “Mom”, I said - “I’ve been here for two hours, don’t you remember?” To which she replied “no” and went on to talk off the wall nonsense. I became extremely concerned and when the doctor finally arrived I was near panic.

The doctor heard her talking and became very concerned as well. After all - her brain scans showed no new damage. So - the doctor started talking about more tests and admitting her...

It was at this point - when mom realized she was looking at being admitted - that she decided enough was enough - and she busted up LAUGHING. Yep. Mom was having a good ole time yanking my chain. When I got mad - mom said “Oh Rain, you’re too sensitive”. Nice.

So - the moral of my story? Just because they actually do have dementia - as my mother did actually have and had been demonstrating for the past couple of years - it DOES NOT mean that they still aren’t capable of manipulation.
AlvaDeer Aug 2020
What a great story this is!


sjplegacy Aug 2020
Acting contrary to your requests doesn't mean dementia. If your concerned have her dr. give her a simple dementia evaluation on her next visit. Most PCPs are doing that routinely now.
Badger Aug 2020
🙏. Thank you. She was a professional teacher who has the credentials and degrees to run her own university! She just likes to be waited on! We have the same Dr. Her MRI came back clear of any telltale signs of dementia. She was vitamin deficient for years but I’ve got that controlled now. She should have been an actress!
AlvaDeer Aug 2020
What diagnostic tests have been done to assess your Mom? It does sound as though she has some dementia from the little you tell us. There are many dementias (Lewy's would be one) that have good days and bad days and up and down and all over the map. Curious what kind of workups have been done.
Badger Aug 2020
Thank you for your response. She has been evaluated and tested for the last 9 years. MRI, CT, and cognitive. Nothing significant on imaging. She’s 83 . She has a doctorate in education. She is very smart and loves to manipulate and get waited on. She will convince you that she’s helpless and can’t do anything! I am a former cop and no nonsense person. I don’t like to be played or taken advantage of...on the other hand, I’m the first one to step up if you truly need help! Sometimes I think she just likes to irritate me because she can... I have been her full time caregiver now for 3.5 years. I haven’t seen any changes in progression of dementia. We were not close during my childhood (due to her always working or in school) in relationship but trying to build one now. My dad passed 2014. They were married 63 years. She likes to talk. I don’t. I have cameras around the house and when she’s by herself she can do everything, no problem! When I’m in the room, it’s like she turns into a mentally retarded child. Can’t find the refrigerator in the kitchen when she’s looking at it!! I try to ignore the stupidness... but when it puts my animals in danger because of her actions, I lose it!! I do everything for her, cook, clean, shop, etc. She won’t bathe. Eats ice cream and drinks coke. Anything sweet. My husband sees what I see. He agrees she’s faking 90% of her self stated dementia. I don’t believe in cognitive tests. She can answer however she wants. She wants to appear dumb so she can get waited on! Her ADL’s haven’t changed. She’s can do whatever she wants if she wants it. Other than her knee replacement and risk of falling, I don’t see anything that indicates she has dementia. Just lonely and wants attention. I need a vacation! Lol! 😂🤣🤬🤯
Geaton777 Aug 2020
Sounds like she has cognitive decline. You can know for sure by taking her to her doc for a cognitive test. You can tell her a "therapeutic fib" to get her there (like, Medicare or SS now requires an annual physical). Go with her and hand the doc or staff a pre-written note requesting a cognitive exam being specific about what symptoms you are concerned about -- like her memory -- and also test for UTI (which in the elderly can have no symptoms other than confusion or personality/behavior changes). They will be happy to do this...they do it all the time. At this appointment be sure to ask for the Medical Representative form and have your mom fill it out naming you as her Med. Rep. You will need this form to communicate with her doctor and visa versa, even if you are her medical PoA. Knowing where she's at cognitively will help you understand what's going on. You may also want to get her hearing tested for the same reason. If she is diagnosed with decline there are great Teepa Snow videos on YouTube that will educate you as to what is ahead for the both of you. Good luck!
Badger Aug 2020
Thank you 🙏. I’ve watched many Teepa Snow videos...she’s great! The more I study this disease and compare my mom to it, I believe she’s faking! 🤥
shad250 Aug 2020
Sounds like she is bored.
Badger Aug 2020
That’s my opinion too! I don’t have the personality or energy to entertain her all day long! The mother I grew up with was a quiet book worm! Smart, self confident, and self controlled. The mother I know now is Narcissistic, self absorbed, and manipulative to get attention. WTF??


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