She is going to be 100 next month. She is on oxygen and has congestive heart failure. Recently her mind is confused with the past and I have to remind her who people are. Just now 8pm she got up from bed, I asked where she was going. Said she was going to work. I told her she was retired and she said if I was sure she would go back to bed. Two days ago she was walking down the driveway. I live in the country and have a long driveway. Can those GPS trackers be cut off? I thought about that but I bet she would try to remove it. I ordered door alarms and driveway alarm. I called a locksmith to have a key deadbolt put on. He said they weren't legal. Any suggestions?
3 Answers
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The key locks are illegal because they are a fire risk. But you probably will not be leaving Mom alone. Maybe u can find someone to put one in for you. Once Mom passes, u can remove it.
I hope u realize you Moms confusion is because she is not getting enough oxygen. Even though she is receiving it, there comes a time that its not being absorbed. If u haven't yet, you may want to call hospice in. Your Mom will be kept comfortable.
My mom would sneak out of her house in the middle of the night to feed her leftovers to wildlife. She did this with great stealth under my brother’s nose.
At that time he put bells on the doorknobs and we began to think about NH placement as we couldn’t provide 24/7 supervision. That took another year until she fell and broke her hip.
It’s a long road....
There are likely tracking devices that would alert you if she took the tracker off and also alert you if she wandered more than a set distance from your home.
Such a device is used for house arrest but something similar should be availiable for caregivers to keep wandering 99 year olds from sneaking out to work the night shift.