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Osmosisjones Asked September 2020

My mom has recently been placed in a nursing home. They said Medicaid would cover all. Will her SS retirement stop?

newbiewife Sep 2020
Just to correct about payment, the person's social security or other income is not paid to Medicaid. It's paid to the facility, and Medicaid makes up the difference. Based on information provided in the Medicaid application, the persons "share of cost" is determined and that's what the person pays monthly. There's a personal needs allowance, which varies from state to state, which is the amount the person gets to keep from their monthly income. From what I've read, it's generally $40-60/month. My husband is POA for his brother and gets a monthly bill for brother's share of cost. If a person chooses, the facility can be designated as the rep payee for social security.

gladimhere Sep 2020
SS check wil go directly to the facility to pay her portion of monthly fee.


Shane1124 Sep 2020
It will not stop but her monthly SS check must now be paid to the nursing home. SS is considered income and all mom’s income will be sent to Medicaid to pay for her care at the SNF. Medicaid will pay the additional money (as SNF cost thousands per month) to the SNF so mom can keep her bed. Mom will be able to keep on the average $50 or so in a personal acct at the SNF to pay for a haircut, clothing, etc.
shad250 Sep 2020
That's a rip off, lol. She can run through that stipend quickly, since a good chance those services (haircut, clothing, etc) are expensive.


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