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Pegshere Asked September 2020

How long should it take from filling out the Medicaid form to getting LO admitted to a Nursing Home?

Wondering about the time line and how long the process takes. Anyone know?

JoAnn29 Sep 2020
In NJ your given 90 days to apply, get them the paperwork needed and find a facility. With me I applied in April, Mom paid privately May and June , I got all paperwork Medicaid needed and Medicaid started July 1st. If application not completed in 90 days I think you have to start over.

Geaton777 Sep 2020
Barb gave good clarification. Also, much depends on whether the NH has a waiting list for Medicaid recipients who are not already residents in the facility, and which facilities you are interested in. My experience with Medicaid app is that it takes no less than 3 months from submission to hearing a response back.


BarbBrooklyn Sep 2020
I'm not sure what you are asking; applying for Medicaid and getting admitted to a NH are two different things.

Have you found a NH that you want mom admitted to that accepts Medicaid? In most situations, an elder can be admitted "Medicaid pending" meaning that the patient can become a resident if the home and Medicaid will pay the fees back to the date of application if they are eligible.

Also, be aware if the fact that there is a difference between NH Medicaid and Community Medicaid.

Have you spoken to the Social Worker at the home about the process of applying for Medicaid? They are often a good source of information.

Good luck!


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