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Jedeye Asked October 2020

What could be the reason for not answering the nurse's call for an hour?

Bridger46146 Oct 2020
Some nursing home patients repeatedly tell their families the nurses don’t come for an hour. They lose their concept of time and how long they’ve been waiting. If you have witnessed this happening, report to the Director of Nursing or Administrator.

AlvaDeer Oct 2020
Malfunction would be the most likely reason I can think of. Even if it is a person known to overuse the call light this would fall in the realm of the unusual. Back in the old days of tile floors and metal urinals I used to advise people to throw things against the wall if the light isn't answered. We were often so badly staffed that I had to know they had a way to alert me they weren't calling only for a glass of water.


Daughterof1930 Oct 2020
In my thoughts, unless the patient or resident is known for repeatedly and needlessly pressing the call button, there is no good reason for no answer within an hour. Even another staff member checking to see what the issue is, to let the patient or resident know that they’ve been heard and help will be coming is often sufficient. Ignoring is not

NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2020
Hospital or care facility? I suppose there must be a shortage of help. Plus COVID has slowed down everything.

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