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Mnielsen1357 Asked October 2020

Should my mom have surgery for her broken hip?

My mom is 90 and fell yesterday and broke her hip. She lives in assisted living and says she was on the floor for 1.5 hours and the button didn’t work. Drs want to operate and I am afraid she won’t survive that. She is frail. What is your experience? Dr. Said it is very common surgery. After surgery where will she go as AL can’t take care of her?

Beatty Oct 2020
I think in your shoes I would be guided by the surgeon/doctor's advice. I would be hopeful, but also realistic.

Many 90+ yr olds do have hip replacements, survive & walk again. Some survive but don't walk so well afterwards. The reasons they fell will most probably still be there (disease, loss of balance, eyesight, malnutrition etc). Some will have delerium that prevents effective rehab. Returning to their level of independance is possible, but people really differ - health, fragility, cognitive function & spirit!

My Grandmother had two successful hip replacements in her 90's. A married couple I met, aged 98 & 99, both survived & walked again until passing at 99 & 100.

But sadly for some, it is the 'beginning of the end', a slow wind down.

The doctors will assess her heart & other health issues to see if surgery is an option. If not, comfort care is the only alternative.

Update what the decision is if you can.

As for post surgery, cross that bridge as you come to it.

Hope & hugs to you.

StrugglingSue Oct 2020
My mother also fell and broke her hip. I believe so much depends on her break and bone density. My mother still has very strong bones and her break was clean not shattered. We were both very concerned about general anesthesia but fortunately they were able to give her a spinal block with sedation to place screws in the hip. The procedure lasted about 15 min. It took several months to recover but is doing very well now.


gladimhere Oct 2020
Does mom have dementia? Anesthesia can sometimes cause cognitive decline that may or may not be recovered from.

After surgery, rehab, then depending on her recovery maybe back to AL. Maybe a nursing home. It depends.


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