As she is now in Independent Living, it sounds as though she may require a bump up to Assisted Living, where she will enter into their Level of Care scorecard. She may, if she is otherwise thriving, require only the daily monitoring and guidance. The costs will increase in all likelihood with this move, so if she otherwise doesn't need it, or it doesn't exist where she is currently living, and you see her often throughout the week, she may take guidance from you. Good luck.
Its time to place sister in an AL, if she can afford it, or LTC. She needs someone with her 24/7. You could call her County Office of Aging and ask for an evaluation. 24/7 care paying for caregivers will probably cost as much as an AL.
Your profile explains that she lives in assisted living and that you are looking to hire someone to help with hygiene. Doesn’t the assisted living facility have staff to help?
I am sorry that your sister has stopped participating in her personal hygiene routine.
6 Answers
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I am sorry that your sister has stopped participating in her personal hygiene routine.
Best wishes to you and your sister.
That wouldn't be the same as assisted living.
Sister may need someone to direct her. You, an aide, another family member - whomever
What have you tried so far?