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JennaRose Asked November 2020

Hemp Oil and/or CBD Oil is helping my Mom with her Chronic Headaches. Is this okay to give her this?

Hi all (I didn't know what category to post this question). Anyway, after doing extensive research I read that Hemp Oil and/or CBD Oil can help with chronic headaches in which my 94 year old Mom with dementia has been suffering from for years now.

I didn't ask her doctor and just ordered both types. I mix the drops in a little bit of Apple Juice and she swishes it around and then swallows it.

It not only takes away 90% of her headache but also relaxes her.

What do you think?

Thanks, Jenna

Grandma1954 Nov 2020
Let the doctor know that you are giving this to her. Most likely there will not be a problem BUT any herbal or other OTC medication can react with prescription medications.
You can also check this quickly by stopping by your drugstore and asking the Pharmacist they probably know more about drug interactions than the doctor does.

97yroldmom Nov 2020
I have a cousin who gives it to both her parents with amazing results. It appears to have relieved me of a couple of my own issues. We both consulted with our doctors. Going on three years now.
Many FDA approved drugs cause problems, even death.
I see by your bio that you are no stranger to meds off the beaten path. What do you have to lose? Your mom has a terminal illness and is in pain. You have found a solution. Good for you.


NeedHelpWithMom Nov 2020
I don’t personally have an issue with hemp or CBD. I would have run it by her doctor before making any decision. Having said that, you know her doctor, not us.

One thing that might be helpful is to run it by your pharmacist. I have done this and am always amazed at how helpful my pharmacist is.

Yes, prices are high for quality CBD oil. My daughter has a friend who has found success with CBD in regards to treating his PTSD. He struggled quite a bit after his stint in the Middle East.

Best wishes to you and your mom.

funkygrandma59 Nov 2020
Jenna Rose, I've had a lot of friends who have had very good luck with the CBD oil, and Hemp oil, for various different issues. If you have found a good source(as they're not all created equal), and it works for your mom, I wouldn't care what her Dr's say. They should just be grateful that it's helping her with her headaches, since whatever they have prescribed over the years obviously hasn't helped.

AlvaDeer Nov 2020
There is lots of information on CBD Oil on the internet. It is not completely benign, so I would run this past her doctors. There are some interactions with blood thinners, and in the elderly you just want to make certain. This is a lot of improvement, if you are talking 90% improvement in headache. I would tell the docs you have been using it and you find a great improvement in the areas. Then I would ask if they know any specific reason you cannot use it. There have been some problems with the purity of the products in the past; I would research the company to the best of your ability. It can cause some diarrhea and gas for some folks.
With any supplemental I would always advise passing it past your Mom's doctor, but do STRESS that it is truly helping her.

funkygrandma59 Nov 2020
I think if it works, keep giving it to her. I personally prefer a more holistic approach when it comes to medicine anyway, so good for you, for thinking outside the box.
JennaRose Nov 2020
Of all the medications that were prescribed for my Mom these oils work the best and the fastest. It seems like the hemp oil by itself works just as good as the CBD oil and it costs less.

I also prefer a holistic approach but I don't like fighting with my Mom's doctors.


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