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Pdyson1126 Asked November 2020

How long can he survive?

My Patient is in the bed full time. He is 92 years old. He drinks about 6 oz of fluid a day and has an egg sandwich for breakfast every morning, one tiny piece of chocolate. How long can he survive like this?

AnnReid Nov 2020
“We know NOT the Day, Nor the Hour.......”

Homecare123 Nov 2020
My mom has liver failure and she is at 97 days without food but drinks lots of water. It’s incredibly baffling. Every doctor or nurse or specialist I talk to just says “wow”. I wish I could understand.


haileybug Nov 2020
I would try getting him to drink some nutritional drinks such as ensure.

AlvaDeer Nov 2020
Surprisingly, quite a long time. Even minimal amount of fluid alone can see a person living for more than a month. Do you have hospice working with you? Wish we could tell you more. If hospice is there they will be able to make a more full individual assessment, but no matter how medical community tries to guess, they often get it wrong. So sorry. This must be so very hard for you.
Pdyson1126 Nov 2020
We do have hospice working with us, however they will not give any suggestions. There response is everyone is different.
MJ1929 Nov 2020
Quite a while, I'd say. His biggest issue would be dehydration, but he certainly isn't burning a lot of calories.


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