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InFamilyService Asked November 2020

Need a reasonably priced camera for mom's apartment. Any recommendations?

I need a recommendation for a reasonably priced camera setup for mom's small apartment. She has a life alert necklace but sometimes forgets to wear it. Portable phone often needs charging or she forgets to turn it off.
My aunt uses Nest for her large home but mom does not need that kind of coverage.

funkygrandma59 Nov 2020
I've used the Blink security cameras in our home for 2 years now and have not had a problem with them. I mainly wanted one in the living room where my bedridden husband was, so I could check on him over night without getting out of my bed, and also to check on him when I had to run errands. Mine are the the one way talk cameras, but they now make the 2 way talk, so you can not only hear what's going on, but talk back as well. You can put the app on your phone and you can check on her from where ever you are. 2 years ago, I paid under $200 for 3 cameras and the sync module.


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