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trials Asked December 2020

Lordy Lu! Mom wants me to move inside "due to freezing weather" although I have a 30K 4 season RV. How do I explain I'm not able to move in?

So if you might remember, Mom is a vituperous rattlesnake bent on making me as uncomfortable as possible without letting on this is her LIFELONG pattern. If I'm working from home she'll call me 15+ times per day sometimes asking for something, sometimes needing me to do something etc. If I'm on the road I won't hear from her for 2 weeks straight.
She needs things like for me to look on her computer to increase the font size etc. I'm happy to do these tasks when I can but it is becoming impossible to relax waiting for the friggin phone to ring yet again.
The latest thing is the RV isn't fit for habitation when the temperature drops below 32 outside.
I know this to be a set up for me to have to stay in the house yet again to find she is just a miserable person bent on filling her time manipulating others into some rough compliance, doesn't matter what for, just it has to be done, OR ELSE!
doesn't matter the threats, the outcome is more misery...
How do I explain I'm not able to move in?
I am thinking of faking covid is how badly I do not want to spend even one more night in the same house w/her

trials Dec 2020
getting old must be hard, I had a heart to heart w/mom
she saw I was leading up to saying no, I would not move into the house and she immediately was not able to continue the conversation due to "being so tired"
Hopeful she will just drop it, but not holding my breath

trials Dec 2020
HAHAHAHAH that is very funny! zippy!
wish me luck, I'm going in, I'll see what comes from all of your great advice and report back in a little bit, thank you all again!


rovana Dec 2020
You are an adult and you can live how/where you wish. Absolutely. I'd get out of the habit of "explaining" or "excusing" yourself for your choices. Might take a little practice but going "grey rock" here could help. If your mom is suffering from dementia, then you will need a different approach, but if she knows what she is doing, why not explain to her as you have explained to us? As in "Mom, you drive me crazy with your poor attitude. I don't want to spend time in your house. Bad for my mental health. Why not work on yourself rather than nag at me? You might find a happier life."

trials Dec 2020
Thanks all of you, it is becoming increasingly clear a "no, I'm comfortable and secure in my RV" is what I should tell her. She has not just me but everyone she interacts with on a short chain, it's time to just say no.
Thanks again.

lealonnie1 Dec 2020
I remember your frequent use of the word vituperous because I had to look up its meaning. 🤣

Smash your phone with a large sledge hammer. Or do what my DH did one time when we first met and his DD was aggravating him. He threw his phone down SO hard on my cement driveway that the glass shattered and bits and parts of the rest of it went flying all over the street. Believe it or not, I still married him! 😂

It'd be a lot cheaper to turn your phone off and call your mother once a day, at YOUR convenience.

earlybird Dec 2020
I remember Ahmijoy. I miss her too. The many phone calls would drive me crazy too. How about a talk with your mom, be gentle but firm. Explain it makes you nervous all the phone calls and she needs to cut them down to one or two a day. One in the am and one in the pm. Good luck.

BarbBrooklyn Dec 2020
Stop answering your phone.

Tell your mother to keep a list of tasks she needs done.

Go over twice a wekk MAX and do the tasks on the list.

If she needs someone every 15 minutes, she belongs in Assisted Living, not at home.

Apparently, she CAN get along without all that assistance because she is fine when you are on the road.

NeedHelpWithMom Dec 2020
Don’t bite the bait. She is baiting you.

Or else? That’s blackmail. What can she do? Not a thing.

It’s very annoying to have that many phone calls. That borders on harassment.

Put your phone on vibrate. Or even silent. Anyone important will leave a message.

If she leaves a message, delete it.

None of her requests are emergencies.

I just had a facetious thought. Should I say it? Why not? Give her a copy of ‘The Little Boy who Cried Wolf.’

Let her know that you are not going to jump through hoops for her.

She can make a list of her needs and you can tend to reasonable requests when it is convenient to do so.

Would anyone else jump through hoops for her? No, so why should you?
Shell38314 Dec 2020
LOL on the book idea!
AlvaDeer Dec 2020
Read the book Boundaries. Set some boundaries, with loving gentle care.
Learn to just say "no", gently and with a smile.
We used to have a frequent poster here I miss to this day; she would always say "Learn to say 'Oh, I couldn't possibly do that'". (Ahmijoy, where ARE you?)
Shell38314 Dec 2020
Where is Ahmijoy? I hope she is okay.
cwillie Dec 2020
"No mom, it's comfortable where I am and I like having my own space." Repeat, repeat, repeat


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