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babsjvd Asked December 2020

Is there a reason that my mother could not put on the teds compression stockings herself? She does have a bad back.

My mom can be non compliant. But this moves her into a level 2 care if someone has to put them on her in the morning and take them off at night. $400 more a month. I'm not sure I trust the nurse in charge regarding this. As we moved from discussion of tubi stockings that possibly my mom could manage , to this ..

babsjvd Dec 2020
I gave my mom a week before agreeing to the teds. My mom went a week without bothering with the tubigrips. She won’t put teds on either then... I have accepted the level 2 care...
Thanks for your replies , they were helpful.

katepaints Dec 2020
Compression stockings are very hard to put on. If they’re open like Ted Hose, put a plastic bag on the foot first, then the stockings. That will make it much easier to slide it over the heel. I was just in the hospital and this is what they did to put mine on.


JoAnn29 Dec 2020
Because of his disabilities, my nephew could not get these socks on. He found the zipper socks online with the toes cut out. They have measurements for the calf to determine what size you are. He loves them.

MAYDAY Dec 2020
can you buy a wedge for mom to use a an hour or so.. lay on her back lift legs above heart. Chronic Heart Failure? Her heart is not strong enough to pump blood out of legs..?

Don't let her sit so long with feet towards the ground. The blood will just pool there,,, My aunt go stage four pressure sore from a place that kept her in a wheel chair for 8 hours.. It was bad.

can she do any kind of leg workouts,? like stationary bike?

I had teds when I was pregnant... They are not fun to put on... but they help keep the blood from pooling in the feet.
babsjvd Dec 2020
My mom is non compliant regarding elevation. My mom is capable but just likes to go her own way. Some people just don’t want to do the things to make the situation better. Stubborn.
Countrymouse Dec 2020
There are long-handled aids you can get to help with these, which would at least avoid your mother's having to bend to reach to her feet. Some people do find they work, so it might be worth a try, but I have to be honest - I sometimes think that getting the stocking onto the aid is nearly as difficult as doing without it. Rubber gloves to help keep a good grip are another tip.

To understand the reason why your mother might not be able to manage them, try putting a pair on yourself (put them on your own legs, I mean). It's a heck of a game! You have to be strong in the hands, strong in the wrists, strong in the upper arms and strong in the thighs (the last to keep your leg from waggling around while the stocking gets rolled or pulled up).

What is it that you don't trust the nurse in charge to do?
babsjvd Dec 2020
How quickly the nurse in AL moved to teds, when the visiting nurse had just discharged her with Tubigrips. AL nurse stated she prefers documented assistance. If my mom could do the tubigrips on her own , then it’s not documented . So that caused me concern.Plus in conversations, I can tell my mom aggravates the nurse...
Beatty Dec 2020
Compression stockings are VERY hard to put on. You need a back that can bend or full flexion of the hip joints (plus no tummy in the way) in order to reach, tug & pull.

As the Tubi is cheaper to trial, could you start with that? Ask Mom to show you if she can manage that?

There is the physical act of putting them on + memory + willingness.

My Mother will not even elevate her arm or leg (with odema) on pillows. So they stay puffy.

Geaton777 Dec 2020
If your mom has any arthritis in her hands it will be impossible for her. They are difficult enough to put on when one doesn't have other physical challenges as well.

Midkid58 Dec 2020
I had to wear these once, after back surgery and it was a workout to get them on--though they FELT OK, they were beasts to get on. I am not a large person, but bought the largest hose they had. Still brutally hard to get on.

My client with Parkinson's? I had to offload that job to her son in law who just manhandled her getting them on. Baby powder sort of helped, but holy cow!!

My Dh wears 'compression socks' that are actually a combination of knee high socks that have a lot of compression, but not as much as the prescription ones. Better than nothing, his doc says and they're both fine with them.

NeedHelpWithMom Dec 2020
My mom has edema. Her doctor ordered her to wear compression stockings.

I put those stockings on and off mom for years! It’s also a pain finding the right size to fit.

It’s awful! I had a really bad bicycle accident (open compound fracture) several years back and I had aggressive physical therapy after my surgery (rods on both bones).

I did gain most of my range of motion back but have some permanent damage where I lost grip strength in my left wrist.

I was in pain while struggling to put those on. Mom has mobility issues due to her Parkinson’s disease, so she couldn’t put them on.

The home health nurse struggled to get them on too.

I pray that I NEVER have to wear those things!

Daddy had to wear them after his heart surgery. What a nightmare!

I know that they do reduce the swelling and help prevent blood clots but they are such a pain in the a** to put on!

Daughterof1930 Dec 2020
Compression socks/stockings are a pain to put on and take off!

lealonnie1 Dec 2020
Let me tell you, I was sweating bullets every morning for two solid weeks while putting compression stockings on my DH after his heart surgery! I wanted to put out the flag when those 2 weeks were felt like a vacation.

There is no way your mother can do it herself. Go to Amazon and look up zippered compression socks which she MAY be able to manage herself, although who knows?

You can get them in all sorts of sizes, from socks to thigh-highs, etc.

Good luck!
babsjvd Dec 2020
Do you think she might be able to handle this herself with the zipper ? I don’t mind the money if there is no alternative,
AlvaDeer Dec 2020
Have you ever tried to get these babies on? This old nurse found them hard to get on my patients. Try powdered legs, look up videos on their side for clues how to apply. wishing you good luck. This isn't easy.
babsjvd Dec 2020
Thanks for letting me know, I have no clippers , never had my hands on them 👍
cwillie Dec 2020
I haven't personally had to deal with this but I do know others who have, those socks can be very difficult to get on and off. Perhaps she only needs help getting them on and can manage removing them herself?


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