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kellidionne Asked December 2020

Why is it so hard to get Protective Supervision for my 89yr old husband with dementia?

As his IHSS provider, even after a phone hearing with a judge, I'm only getting paid just over 44hrs/month.
He has dementia and cannot be left alone.
Any advice would be appreciated.

mstrbill Dec 2020
Agree with Grandma, contact elderly services and demand more help. Be persistent, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Grandma1954 Dec 2020
A little more info would be helpful.
Is your husband a Veteran? If so the VA might have programs that would help you. There are Veterans Assistance Commissions and their services are free.

Do you have a Social Worker you are dealing with on a routine basis? If so contact them and be relentless until you get answers. If necessary contact their supervisor. (But I bet there are a lot of people in the same situation and in many cases Social Workers are working remotely and with an increased case load so patience please. )


cwillie Dec 2020
bumping your post up


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