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cjkj20 Asked December 2020

My 90 Alzheimer’s father is waking up several times a night removing all his clothes. Any suggestions?

Of course everything has to be changed. It begins with him thrashing his legs and scratching the top of his head and moving his arms around as if he is frustrated. He removes his pjs and depend. It’s so frustrating as you can imagine. He does not do it every night. Anyone have this issue?

Doingmybest101 Dec 2020
This happened to my dad as well. Eventually he fell out of bed and was taken to the hospital, where they found his bladder completely distended. We had no idea, because he was urinating, that he was unable to empty his bladder. We had taken him to the doctor after this all started, and he tested negative for UTI, but I'm still upset that the doctor never questioned his big belly (he'd always been very thin, and were told he was just getting fat). Poor guy had to have been in agony. Had a catheter placed until he passed away.

againx100 Dec 2020
I'd start with melatonin. Then something for the doc for sleep and anxiety.

And change his clothing to something not easy to remove.

Since this is happening multiple times per night, assuming you get up to deal with this anyhow, maybe try to get to him BEFORE he does it? Take him to the bathroom or change his depend or whatever it is. Maybe the wet diaper is bothering him?

OTOH, you need some SLEEP too! I hate to suggest you setting an alarm and getting him up before he makes a mess of things.


Midkid58 Dec 2020
We have this with our 2-1/2 yo grandson. He wakes us with a soggy diaper, takes off his pjs, then his diaper, throws it on his brother and puts his pjs BACK on, inside out...and then wets the crib.....and then yells for mama...

It's adorable---b/c it's happening NOT in my house.

So sorry about your dad. He obviously doesn't know he's doing this.

Can his doc prescribe a mild tranquilizer for bedtime? And cutting back on fluids 2-3 hrs before bedtime. A full bladder will wake him and he isn't aware of what's going on.

They make 'adult onesie' pajamas that may be a lot harder to remove for him than a 2 piece pajama. My dad slept in a hospital gown type pajama and it kept him from undressing in the night.

I would start with making sure he doesn't have the dreaded UTI--then go from there.

AlvaDeer Dec 2020
Oh, wow. Talk about not getting a good night's sleep, huh? So sorry this is going on. I think that this is basically a medical issue and hope that you will attend his doctor and let them know. Sleep disturbance is often reported on the forum and is not unusual. Dad may need a medication that will help him sleep but mild enough not to impair any mobility. Have you tried melatonin before bedtime? Some have good luck with this medication I hear.
Do check in with Dad's doctor on this issue, and I hope others have good information.
Try not to post your question more than once CJ, as the admins have to come in and search down the repeats and remove them. If different people post on it you lose some of the answers.
Good luck going forward. Let us know if you find something that works.


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