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Joyiscoming Asked January 2021

How long does Alzheimer's last?

JoAnn29 Jan 2021
From what I read those suffering from ALZ live longer than other Dementias. My Aunt was 12 yrs from diagnosis but she had problems before. ALZ, though under the Dementia umbrella, effects the brain differently. I read where those suffering from other types of Dementia live 5 to 7 years from diagnosis. My Mom was 6 yrs but she was showing signs before than.

Grandma1954 Jan 2021
My Husband "lived" for about 12 years after the diagnosis. But looking back he probably had it for 10 to 15 years prior to the diagnosis.
Hard to tell since people get good at "hiding" symptoms and family is good about "denial" of symptoms.
Often it is the decline and the problems that come with it that often cause the death.
Small strokes, common both with Vascular dementia as well as Alzheimer's
Slip and fall where a break or other trauma results.
Aspiration pneumonia
It also depends on if there are other pre-existing conditions
Just to name a few.


VickyC Jan 2021
Everyone is completely different. My mom passed away from Alzheimer's in December and she had it for at least 17 years.

AlvaDeer Jan 2021
Until the death of the person afflicted.

ashleyfranco33 Jan 2021
My experience is ,,,, it won't stop until the passing of the person. God willing it will be a suffer less path.

funkygrandma59 Jan 2021
I agree with cwillie, as if it's true Alzheimer's and not one of the other dementias, it can go on for many years. I have a friend whose wife is in her 17th year with Alzheimer's.

cwillie Jan 2021
I really think that you should ask google that question....


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