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mcs163 Asked January 2021

We tell mom that her parents are visiting her sister in another state and will call when they are home to pick her up. Is this a good idea?

My mother lives with me and my sister. She wants to go home, meaning her childhood home from 80 years ago. She says her parents must hate her since they haven't picked her up. We tell her her husband, my dad, is at work. Dozens of times a day, for the past year. I don't know if I can keep doing this. If I say her parents/husband are dead, she either says that i'm lying, or starts crying. Poor mama. She asks for my phone to call a cab to take her home. Is it ever a good idea to tell her her parents aren't living?

JoAnn29 Jan 2021
Just keep fibbing. I heard once telling them over and over again that someone died just makes them grieve all over again. She won't remember you telling them either thing but what ur saying is kinder.
mcs163 Jan 2021
Thanks JoAnn for reinforcing what I know.
againx100 Jan 2021
So sorry that your mom is like this now. It's sad.

There is NO advantage to telling her that her parents aren't alive. She'll just be upset. And forget it and have to go through it everytime you tell her. Nah. Just keep the story going and change the subject.
mcs163 Jan 2021
Thanks, againx100



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