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Rbuser1 Asked January 2021

Not sure how to pose this question, but here goes. How do you respond to someone who keeps saying their brain is bleeding?

I have used every tactic I know but it's getting old.
For example, "no your brain is not bleeding-it's probably your sinuses.'
Today I laughed at the situation. But she won't go to the doctor to get checked out-she won't do anything. So, today she also says she fell and shook her brain a while back? I don't know how long ago.
I'm supposed to just listen to this over and over again. She insists that
'it's just going to get worse-her HA-and there's nothing her dr will do but send her to someone else. So, she just waits.
Also, has become hung up on old black and white westerns. Glued to them.
I think since the simple answer might be, since she's not living with me anymore, don't worry about it. Her appetite is fine. She's able to live on her own and all that.
Just this 'my brain' talk is a little much. Mom doesn't want to go anywhere, or do anything and she IS able to.

Martz06 Jan 2021
Your question almost made me want to laugh when I saw it, and though it’s not funny, it made me think of what my husband said to me the other day. He said it feels like my brain is bleeding. I said what?? What do you mean? Do you have a headache? He said yes but it I’ve never felt this before, it feels like it’s bleeding. I said well if you feel something is wrong we should make an appointment with a Doctor. (He’s not quite 50, no Alzheimer’s or dementia). Thankfully today he felt better ☺️
Rbuser1 Jan 2021
I just wonder, how does that feel? I might have to google it. :)
Glad he is feeling better. Take care.
MAYDAY Jan 2021
Perhaps have someone take her for a CAT Scan, or ultrasound of her carotid artery make sure the oxygen is flowing freely to the brain..
any family live near her or friends who can take her to get these 2 simple tests that are not invasive..?
Rbuser1 Jan 2021
Thank you for the suggestion. I'm the one who takes her to drs/tests appts. The ones she decides to keep anyway. She has a habit of canceling appts on a whim though. So, anything that comes with a co-pay usually flies out the window soon after the appt. is made. Lord bless the people working in the drs offices. :)


againx100 Jan 2021
I find conversations with people who are starting to lose their memory are quite boring. I like Alva's suggestion. Have a vague response ready for the inevitable same old same old and then change the subject.

AlvaDeer Jan 2021
You got it! The simple answer is the great one. I am kind of with her on the old Joel McCrea, Randolph Scott westerns thing! But then I am 78.
I am assuming there is at least a bit of a failing mind here? The next time she tells you that her brain is bleeding tell her "I am so sorry to hear that; I hope it gets better. What else is new today?" Remember, the thinking and the speech patterns tend to get very circular and repetitive. I can just HEAR your teeth grinding right now! I hope it gets better, or at least has some variety.
Rbuser1 Jan 2021
Thank you Alva. Yep there needs to be variety, with me as well.


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