I have tried to help him understand that this doesn't happen when he sits to urinate. Will only sit, begrudgingly, if I accompany him to bathroom. Then, won't lower Depends enough, so urinates on waistband. Wet front of pants is my biggest concern. Change clothes immediately but what about if we finally, with Covid isolation over, visit friends or relatives, and we run out of dry clothes for changing. He is dismissive of my concerns, of course. Out of character since he is so OCD over the least issue of crumbs on clothes, or other distractions. Thoughts? Thank you.
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He's perfectly fine and I do get that he'd rather stand--but the alternative is a stinky bathroom and we only have one that is for guests and family.
We had Dad sit initially at the suggestion of his urologist as it helped him completely empty his bladder something men don’t do when standing. Dad knew his Doctor wanted him to do it and was okay with it. It helped his enlarged prostrate and there were less trips to the bathroom. In addition it eliminated the drips on the floor. We had to remind Dad his Doctor wanted him to sit down and not stand to help his enlarged prostrate. We did eventually have to accompany Dad each time to the bathroom and help him sit down as he would forget and stand up.. Dad always thanked us for helping him. A bonus was a clean floor and dry pants. And more time with my Dad talking and that was priceless.
You could also try using a plastic urinal on occasion as well. I would use that with my husband sometimes overnight, so he didn't have to get up to pee. I had to hold it for him, as my husband only had use of one hand, and had essential tremors in that hand, so it was just easier for me to hold it. It's challenging for sure. I wish you the very best.
Not sure if you can try that argument, but it might be worth a try.
When traveling in Europe for work, I noted some public toilets had a stick on decal of a house fly or a target in the bottom of the toilet, near the drain on the bottom. Human nature being what it is, especially for those of us with some OCD, your goal becomes to nail that housefly with your stream. After that, I had to clean the rim of the toilet less. I googled and you can get these kind of things online. It almost makes taking a whizz fun.
LOL - this is a pet peeve of mine with men who have no disability. I've told several if mother's would teach their boys to sit and pee when they are toilet training them, there would never be the issue of the nasty drips down front of toilet (that, more often than not, a woman has to clean up when they do bathroom cleaning). If they sat all their lives, it would no longer be a 'natural' thing to stand up. Plus, the taller the guy, the more the splatter.
1 - If he is having problems with buttons and zippers, then elastic waistband pants are easiest to use.
2 - If he doesn't have a strong a stream, then sitting down, using a urinal (plastic bottle/jug), or a "funnel" to direct his stream might be your best options. You can buy the paper funnels online.
3 - If he is "forgetting" then adult incontinence briefs (Depends and other brands) might be your best option. If your go the disposable brief route, try to find ones with elasticized waist bands that fit better and may allow him to "go" naturally.
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