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pmikula Asked February 2021

Does anyone have experience with head protection for the elderly to prevent concussions?

I am asking this question for myself. I am 77 and have had many falls in my life but none as severe as a couple of weeks ago. I got up in the night and took five steps to the bathroom and my body collapsed, hitting my forehead with full force. Thank God I did not hit the tile but instead the wood of the floor. I have been falling since I was a kid but things are getting much more serious. I am still suffering after effects of the concussion and my doctor thinks it likely happened because of a sudden drop in blood pressure. I did not go to the ER for a CT scan because of the fear of covid. I think it would be wise to wear head protection accompanied by a cane (ugh) and wondered if any of you have any experience or suggestions as to brand, etc. I am researching this online but there's nothing better than a recommendation by someone familiar with the product. I also like to work in the garden in the spring and there are many dangers lurking out there. Thanks in advance for any guidance anyone might have.

AnnReid Feb 2021
Wow, are YOU MY HERO!

I am a bit of a rare bird in terms of blood pressure meds in that my doctor tried SEVEN with me, ALL UNSUCCESSFUL. So since I was over 100 pounds too heavy, I lost that.

NOW, stress elevates my systolic number but the diastolic number is low, and solid as a rock.

I’m sure you and your doctor have investigated that, so have you considered a few sessions with a PT or OT? There are some “fall proofing” programs that an produce good results.

The Loved One for whom I’m responsible attended one and was trained to use a cane correctly. I think it helped. You are obviously a very self sufficient individual, so increasing your ability to remain safe would likely have some appeal for you.


cwillie Feb 2021
Lets get real here, can you honestly envision yourself putting on a helmet every time you get up in the night? Or wearing one out in your garden?
Neither a quad can or a walker/rollator will help if the reason for your falls is because you are blacking out temporarily, you really must make figuring out the cause a priority. A bedside commode might be a more practical option if it is predominantly happening at night.


GardenArtist Feb 2021
Are you taking a BP med?   If your doctor suspected a sudden BP drop, the fall could be caused by orthostatic hypotension.

If you get a cane, consider one that is encased in a round wire "cage" such as this one:

The extra "feet" help provide stability beyond just the base of the cane.

I would think a football helmet might offer good head protection, or something like boxers wear.

I would also agree that PT would help with balancing, while strengthening your legs and ankles (I once had ankle PT along with a meniscus tear PT) and sometimes still remember to do ankle PT (but not often enough!).

Getting a MedicAlert is another good suggestion.

NeedHelpWithMom Feb 2021
Where do you feel there is an issue? Strength or balance?

Please check with your doctor and describe your symptoms fully.

My mom has Parkinson’s disease. She has mobility issues due to Parkinson’s disease.

The doctor ordered home health and rehab.

There are specific exercises that aid in balancing and gaining ‘core’ strength. They do help if you are able to do them.

My mom was in her 90’s when she did the program and she worked really hard during each session and it absolutely helps.

Mom still needs her walker, but exercising definitely makes a difference in how we are able to function in our daily lives.

pmikula Feb 2021
Thank you to all of you guys! I have absolutely changed my routine as far as not getting out of bed without thinking! I make sure I am alert, etc. before taking those five steps. I really do appreciate you all taking the time to comment on my question. God willing, I will be safe because I will be aware of every move I am making :) Best of luck to all of you!

Isthisrealyreal Feb 2021
Orthopedic equipment businesses can make you a helmet to protect your head but, I think that you would be better served to find out how to stop the sudden loss of blood pressure. Hitting your head is only one danger when falling.

Maybe sitting up for a minute or two before standing and using a walker.

A cane is just another danger and can knock teeth out, so I don't think that you want to use a cane when you think that you will fall.

Please ask your doctor to find out why you are falling and how to treat the medical condition that is causing this.

pmikula Feb 2021
Thank you for your reply! I went through some physical therapy sessions for exercises to improve balance and those were helpful. I have everything as planned as a person can of course not knowing what the future will bring. I have a lot of friends and I thank God for them every day! They are my support group. I think I am not quite ready for the walker because I want to walk my dog in the park and the walker would be a bit too much apparatus for us to handle! Thanks you again.
notgoodenough Feb 2021
How about just using the walker when you first get up from lying down? My mom suffered from the sudden drops in BP, and that was one of the recommendations, use the walker when she first got up, especially when getting up from bed and going into the bathroom.
notgoodenough Feb 2021
My mom took several falls, I know how scary the fear of falling can become.
I can't give you any advice about head protection. You might want to consider a walker rather than a cane for a bit more stability.
But I do commend you for trying to plan ahead to minimize and injury that you might sustain in a fall.
Have you discussed with your doctor having an occupational therapist come into your home to asses your situation? My mom had a few meetings with them, they showed her what actions she was taking that put her at the worst risk to fall.
Do you have a support system in place? Or a plan for if the time comes, where you will be able to live to get the support you need?
I hope someone here can give you some practical advice!


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