My Dad has cancer but not a kind that would affect behavior (cancer in his face). He has been battling it for 10 years and had lots of surgery and is on lots of pain meds. Even so he has always been "with the program" and never showing eratic behavior. The past few months he started being a little less "with the program" but still not bad. He would say weird stuff sometimes. Then the past month, he has started sleeping almost all day, will not eat much of anything and will only drink milk. He is very confused a lot of the time. My Mom worked with the doctor to adjust meds to see if that would help. I really hasn't. My mom just got him a walker because he started having trouble walking. She usually has to help him to the restroom, etc. He is only 70.
Yesterday, he slept all day and then abruptly got out of bed on his own and walk out the front door in his underwear full speed ahead. My mom ran after him because she was worries he was going to fall. My Dad refused her help and told her to get away from him. He went to the neighbors house as well has into the street to get help because he said my Mom was trying to kill him. This was obviously very upsetting for her. My mom got him back in the house my telling him he could call me. He spoke to me in hysterics and told me to call 911 because my Mom was trying to kill him. My Mom then called 911 for an ambulance. He is currently at the hospital and they are running test. His brain CT was clear. They are giving antibiotic in case it is a UTI. They said he dosen't have dementia or alzhemiers. Once he was at the hospital he was not erractic anymore, he knew where he was but to recollection of the incident that had just happened at home.
My question, first is, can a UTI really cause all that? Could that be the reason he has been sleepy for a month? The erratic behavior happened very suddenly. Secondly, I am scared to death of him coming home. Could he hurt my Mom? They may release him today, which I feel is too soon. Please help.
6 Answers
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Out of curiosity though, since he has had cancer, have they suggested or recently done a scan of his brain?
As to the coming home, yes he could hurt your mother and he indeed needs a complete neuro checkup. And yes, I agree it is too soon. You will know soon enough so I would call 911 very quickly for transport back. Without an assessment you cannot know where he is in staging, but we don't run out of the house in our underwear, so if this isn't an infection, then what IS it? You may be looking at temporary placement is something isn't done. Sure do wish you luck and hope you update us.
Start keeping careful diaries of his mental problems now.
How does your mother feel? If she is unnerved by this previous episode, would it help the situation to get a male temp in to observe your dad’s status and offer his opinion?
Although the CT scan was “clear” there may be concerns present that wouldn’t be reviled by a cursory inspection. The changes in habits, “weird” comments, and general confusion may be nothing or important. Unsteadiness on his feet should probably be addressed by a PT evaluation.
I think it might be a good idea to have him seen by someone with specific training in geriatrics, as soon as you can arrange an appointment. A second opinion with several specialties working together may reveal something more useful than what you’ve gotten so far.
She went from the regular hospital (where they started treating the UTI) to a psych hospital (where the ball was dropped on treatment for the UTI). I seem to recall that she died after the UTI went septic.
I would ask for a psychiatric consult to look into his behavior and perhaps a stint in rehab after the hospitalization to make sure that his behavior is under control.
You have him in the hospital--try to see if you can get a dr to order the full panel of tests. For your dad to do such a major swing in behaviors is NOT normal and needs to be looked at.
Often there is a decline for no reason that can be tested for or really treated. At 70, he is VERY young to be so mentally challenged with no history of a head trauma.
Right now, just wait on the UTI test and try to get him thoroughly evaluated.
And, BTW, ALL cancers do have side effects. Just because it's 'only' skin cancer does not make it no big deal. A very dear friend of my kids' died from 'just skin cancer'.
One day at a time, but be aware that if he is decompensating to the point he is running away from your mom and being belligerent-you may have to think about some kind of placement. He could really hurt your mom--and not even be aware he's doing anything. Until he's deemed "OK", DO NOT bring him back home. Your mom could be in danger.