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Capron2020 Asked March 2021

How to stop outgoing calls?

Dad does nothing but watch METV all day and night. He is constantly ordering every commercial product they display. Colonial Pen, Hempvana, back braces, free cell phone offers, free insurance offers...I mean if there is a service or product and an 800# attached to it, he will call it. He gives everyone his social, DOB, when he gets paid, info about the family.......(SMDH) We have told him this is dangerous and he does not have any checks or a debit card in his possession for this reason. Just this week 3 life insurance policies showed up in the mail box all ready to go! All he has to do is send in a check or call with a credit card to activate them. Now, he's trying to call the bank and order checks! I don't want to take away his cell phone so is there anyway that I can block him from making outbound calls to 800 #'s? He has a flip phone which makes it even worse!

Geaton777 Mar 2021
I agree to start by redirecting his mail to your home (and then sneaking back in a few low-risk pieces of mail in there just so he doesn't wonder). This can be done online.

There are cell phones for people with dementia that limit calling. They can be found on this website:

Who has financial/medical PoA for your dad? This person needs to read the documents to see what conditions are necessary for the authority to be active. If your dad has no PoA assigned, then this needs to somehow happen first, then get him into the doctor for a cognitive evaluation. Use a "therapeutic fib" and a discrete note passed to the doc if you must to get the medical checkup done. I wish you success in protecting your dad from himself.

Tothill Mar 2021
Where is your Dad living? Who has POA? Has he been deemed incompetent?

If he has been deemed competent to look after his affairs, your options are limited.

I googled what METV was and it appears to have classic TV shows. Is there any way you could set him up on a streaming service that does not include ads?

Have you reported how the ads target vulnerable seniors to the authorities?

Why is Dad doing this? Is he lonely and looking for someone to talk to? Is there a safe way of engaging him in daily social activities?

Can you redirect his mail so you can intercept parcels and send it back before he sees it?
Geaton777 Mar 2021
Learning how to use the streaming service will be more work than it's worth.



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