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Mgallag Asked March 2021

Where can I find private caregivers without going through an agency?

funkygrandma59 Mar 2021
I found a great CNA through our local Senior Services. I had called them asking if they knew of any(as I only needed one for one hour a day, to put my husband on the bedside commode), and they were able to give me a name of someone that had worked for them for 12 years, and was now working on her own. She was a Godsend, as you already know most if not all agencies require a minimum of 3-4 hours.

freqflyer Mar 2021
Mgallag, another thing to remember if you hire a private caregiver, that you would need to have "workman's comp" insurance in case that employee gets hurt on the job. Talk with your home insurance provider.

Also make sure the caregiver has had their annual flu shot, and covid-19 vaccine shot.


Geaton777 Mar 2021
When you privately hire a caregiver and your LO is their only client, this makes the LO an employer by the standards of the IRS. This means you will be expected to treat them like an employee, taking care of withholding taxes, reporting, providing vacation, etc. You will need to check the regulations for your state for the specific details. Also for both of your protection, please create an employment contract that you both sign. I hope you find the right person!

Daughterof1930 Mar 2021
We found my dad’s wonderful, amazing helper through an informal network that exists in his city. There is a group of mostly retired healthcare workers, like CNA’s who enjoy doing private care. We accessed it by asking someone who knew someone who was using their services. There was one lady who coordinates these workers and matches them. It’s then on the individuals to negotiate hours and pay. Try to ask around to find who may be doing this, churches, people with disabilities, may be able to help

cdnreader Mar 2021
Dear Mgallag,

I would start by asking trusted friends and family members if they know anyone that would take on a caregiver role. Please be careful and ensure the person is vetted fully and possibly willing to go through a police security check.


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