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pokiejan1 Asked April 2021

No will and no family. Any advice?

I lost my mama 2 months ago and now I have lost my companion of almost 20 years. I found him at the lake house property he rented two weeks ago, he had passed. He was a healthy man, but had been experiencing loss of breath and was scheduled for the cardiologist to check him out on Monday, I found him on Friday. I don't believe there was a will. My hands are tied because we did not live together. There's a house between us in the neighborhood. We spent every weekend together for 20 years. I helped him with his mom, his dogs, and his house. He helped me with everything and he certainly got me through covid-19 this past year. I did see a lawyer yesterday and until we find out whether the funeral home will let me take care of him, nothing can be done. I'm not a good waiter, never have been. Any advice and much prayer is greatly appreciated.

cxmoody Apr 2021
I’m sorry for the loss of the love of your life. I am praying for your heart, and for the legal issues to be easily settled.

Grandma1954 Apr 2021
You might be in a tough spot. Do you have ANYTHING that he gave to you that would even indicate you had a relationship? A letter, card with his signature and hopefully some wording that indicated a relationship?
You may be in for a VERY long wait on this. I think legally there has to be a search for ANY relatives. (and if there is any money involved or the possibility of any money relatives come out of the woodwork)


NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2021
I am very sorry for your losses.

You did the only thing that you could by seeing an attorney.

I hope it turns out in your favor. Unfortunately, it may take awhile to settle all of this.

It’s so sad that he died so suddenly.

Again, I am very sorry.

JoAnn29 Apr 2021
I don't see where you would legally have any rights. The State may just have to take over. He never confided in you where his important papers were? I would guess he owns the house? Funeral, do not sign anything saying you will be responsible for the cost. Hopefully the lawyer can obtain you a short certificate allowing you to be companions Administrator. Or the lawyer himself can be appointed the Administrator.

So sorry for your losses.

Geaton777 Apr 2021
I'm so sorry for your losses! May you receive peace in your heart over time.

You should check in your state for what the probate process is:

When you say you had "a house between us in the neighborhood" do you mean your name was on the deed with his? Or you just contributed to the mortgage payments and upkeep? Now is the time to gather banking documents and proofs of what you contributed to with him jointly. The lawyer hopefully advised you on all of this. If not, find another lawyer.

Daughterof1930 Apr 2021
I’m so sorry for your losses. I’m glad you’ve seen a lawyer and wish you peace and healing


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