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HerShe89 Asked April 2021

My sweet Charlie died on 4/10/2021 from late stage Alzheimer's. Why did his children freeze me out?

purplebadger Apr 2021
I'm so sorry for your pain! Perhaps you remind them of your beloved Charlie! Perhaps one of them is spreading lies about you! I am sorry for your loss! I wish I could do something to help you!

NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2021
I am so very sorry for the loss of your sweet husband. You will miss him.

Please remember that he will live in your heart forever.

I am sorry that your relationship wasn’t better with his children.

Maybe they saw you as a threat or felt that they would be betraying their mom. Who knows?


BarbBrooklyn Apr 2021
Alvis, is that you?
JoAnn29 Apr 2021
Thought this sounded familiar but no back posts.
JoAnn29 Apr 2021
How long were you and Charlie married/partners? How was your relationship with his kids? How are they shutting you out?

Second marriages seem to be a hard thing on this forum. I think if you help raise the kids you maybe more excepted. But when you marry after the kids are adults its different. The kids don't react to you the same way. You not a stepmother your "his wife". So sorry they are putting you thru this. But remember, what goes around comes around.

We had a woman at Church who married a widower. His family excepted her with open arms. She and husband made a beautiful pair. You could tell they loved each other. Then he got Parkinsons and she was his Caregiver. Lost touch because of caring for my Mom but she did message me about NHs. He passed a yr or so ago. I was talking to her SIL and he told me she backed away from the family. That she didn't even sit with them at Church.

Catyduke Apr 2021
I’m sorry for your loss. I think I’m fixing to face the same problem with my husband’s family. Which I’m going to feel bad about it but I’m not going to worry about it. I will know I’ve done my best and that’s all I can do.
May God give you peace to deal with all the situations in your family.

AlvaDeer Apr 2021
I am very very sorry for your loss. I am afraid we don't know Charlie's kids, so can't guess at what they are up to or why. I sure do wish you the best ongoing, and am so sorry for your grief.

Geaton777 Apr 2021
I'm so very sorry for his loss and the painful family drama. May you receive peace in your heart and healing in your spirit.


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