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BMo316 Asked April 2021

Can I hurt mom moving her?

Tonight, helping Mom up from her chair and into bed, her back cracked in several places both into and out of the wheelchair. She is very very thin and just started hospice. We are trying to keep her moving and involved in her own care as long as possible. Can I hurt her back moving her? In addition to cancer she also has osteoporosis. I am using proper body mechanics for myself so no worries about hurting myself. I just don't want to injure her. Any insight would be helpful. Thank you.

againx100 Apr 2021
I am assuming that you are using proper form for helping mom and no undue force, so hopefully you could not hurt her. Well, I suppose you "could" but it would be an accident.

On hospice, I would not push the moving and being involved in her care too much. Sounds like she's got a lot going with her cancer, etc. and might benefit from not being pushed to do too much (unless that's what she wants, of course). I would personally focus more on making sure that she's comfortable and can enjoy the limited time that she has left.

Good luck!

AlvaDeer Apr 2021
Yes, without adequate strength, numbers of people, and support you can EASILY fracture bones with moving. Especially with underlying cancer, and esp if there are mets to the bones, and also with the diagnosis of osteoporosis. Aging ALONE is predisposing one to fractures with movement.


NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2021
My mom recently died in a hospice house.

Hospice is about comfort care. It isn’t rehab.

My mother was completely immobile due to end stage Parkinson’s disease.

When my mother was moved it was very painful so pain meds were freely given to alleviate any discomfort.

My mom was skin and bones like your mom.

Why are you concerned about her staying active if she is receiving hospice care?

What does her nurse say?

I am so sorry that your mom is suffering. Please let the nurse know that she is in pain.

Is your mother at home or in a facility?

If she is in a facility please allow the trained staff to handle her needs.

If she is at home perhaps you could ask the hospice organization if she can be admitted to a hospice facility.

Can you fill us in on her condition and where she is?

Wishing you peace during this challenging time in your life.


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