Hi, everyone! So, I am a 35 year old female from Maine. I am a full-time student and worker. I was married six years ago and have a 12 year old son who needs extra help/attention. In December, my 91 year old grandmother slipped on the ice. Although she had no broken bones, her health has declined rapidly. She has two children, one of which is an LPN, who refuse to care for her, even creating excuses to get out of helping me. My son sees what my father and uncle (not to mention cousins and siblings) are doing to me by not helping and he thinks that I am enabling them. In my opinion, if I stop helped her, no one will. But my husband is ready to leave me because I am completely drained and unattentive to MY FAMILY'S needs. I do understand when there are other perfectly capable, able-bodied familt members who can help. It's getting to the point where she needs care beyond what I am capable of providing. Hospice is involved but the LPN son lies about his involvement to keep their presence to a minimum. I would say something about this but I caught him in a lie about me living there with her and, if something happens to her, I would be held responsible. So, I avoid all interactions with the nurses/hospice so that I don't have to lie. Anyway, he lies to hospice about his presence and what he does but then literally leaves me with instructions on how to do EVERYTHING. And when he has to be present, he's SO verbally abusive towards her that I don't even want him there. But I do know that I can't do the medical stuff so either he has to or he needs to be honest with hospice. I am so tired and don't know what to do. I don't want to lose my husband (or child who resents not having his mother) but I also don't want my grandmother to die at home all alone. Unfortunately, I feel like all I can do to get her the proper care she needs is to call APS. Any advice would be great!
7 Answers
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You have done what you could, so tell your relatives it's time for you to focus on your family. And that's what you do. Decide what you don't mind doing for your grandmother (if anything) and tell them. No running over there for anything more or they won't take you seriously.
Just ignore the Uncle. Gma is his responsibility. When Gma passes you don't have to have anything to do with him.
You are throwing your son and husband under the bus so you can play martyr. Stop it.
Call APS and tell them about your grandma who needs help, and that you are not able to help any longer. Give APS the phone numbers to grandma's two children. Then go back to take care of your husband and son. They are your #1 responsibility.
Step away. Since Hospice is involved, won't they see that she doesn't have the help she needs?
You are complicit in his lies by not speaking up. Why would he not want hospice there? Is the son living in her house? I’m not sure I understand.
Regardless, you are caught in a vice and your grandmother isn’t getting the help she needs. It’s probably time for her to go to a facility where she can live out her life in peace and you can visit as her granddaughter.
Listen to your son. He needs you.