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spiritu Asked May 2021

My mother (93) has severe pain in the rectal area, OT says she may have anal fissure. Dr. not of much help. What should I do?

My mom says her pain is severe and the OT says she thinks she has an anal fissure. Her visiting nurse practitioner just told her to just use Desitin or Vasoline, but that's not helping. Mom says pain is a 10 on scale of 1-10. Tried to make appt. with colon/rectal surgeon but as a new patient she'll have to wait six weeks. So I bought her a hand held bidet and Balneol for cleansing, and OTC hydracortisone and Recti-Care lidocaine for pain. Neither of much help. I think she definitely has hemmoroids but possibly a fissure as well. What should I do?

againx100 May 2021
If you think that her 10 of 10 is at least somewhat accurate, this should be addressed ASAP.

What doctor is not helping? Her primary? Did she see them or just a phone call? Did you go with her? Is your mom able to care for herself?

I'd get her to her doctor or a walkin first thing tomorrow.
spiritu May 2021
No, this was a visiting nurse practitioner who saw my mom the day before the pain reached a level of 10. This particular nurse claims my mom said the discomfort was only minor, which I do not believe but if it was minor, my mom would not have mentioned it. I asked to have a change made, and that my mom be assigned to a new nurse practitioner. Thanks so much for your help, everyone. I appreciate it.
AlvaDeer May 2021
Off you go to the ER. Sorry, but this is nothing to wait this long for. This could be anything, and a scale of 10 out of 10 is too high to wait on. I hope your Mom already has her vaccine.
spiritu May 2021
thanks for your advice. Fortunately, my nephew is a physician and he said it was a rectal prolapse. He put it back, she's fine now but it sure gave me quite a scare.


Grandma1954 May 2021
Is she in constant pain? If so a trip to the ER might be in order. Particularly if her pain is a 10 on a scale of 0-10.
The suggestion to go to the ER is only if mom is not on Hospice.
You could discuss with the Nurse that visits that the suggestions that have been made have not done any good and if the nurse has not examined your mom she should.
spiritu May 2021


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