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Juneaujewel Asked May 2021

How to react to acts of verbal aggression and thoughts of violence to himself?

My dear husband was diagnosed with ALZ almost 6 years ago after many traumatic brain injuries. He is now 67, living at home with me, next door to our daughter and her family, and assisted by a pt caregiver. He has recently begun talking about cutting the bugs out of his arm with knives and scissors. I have locked up everything sharp. His doctor has tested him for UTI etc. We have another doctor appointment soon and will consider seroquel. But I am worried. Anyone have any suggestions?

NeedHelpWithMom May 2021
My mom developed dementia with late stage Parkinson’s disease. She was prescribed Seroquel and Ativan when needed. They both helped.

My mom was trying to walk out of the front door. She also mentioned seeing a little girl that wasn’t there. Later on, she lost all mobility and became completely bed bound. She died recently in a hospice house.

I am sure that your husband’s behavior is frightening to you. I certainly hope that he responds well to meds that his doctor prescribes for him.

Best wishes to and your husband.

gladimhere May 2021
If you think he is a danger to himself or others you need to call 911 then get an admit for a psychiatric evaluation where they will find a combo of meds to work for him.
AlvaDeer May 2021
I so agree. If this isn't a passing thing there is going to have to be a search for some drug combo that will work to stop these violent hallucinations that will also not turn him into completely non-functioning. No drugs or drug cocktails work the same for each patient, and it is difficult to find the right recipe; sadly it often turns out that something works, and later stops working.



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