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Gwenne Asked May 2021

I have long term care insurance with CNA. Could your home care be covered by them?

newbiewife May 2021
As others have said, contact CNA, your insurance company. They would need to approve any agency you select to provide the in-home care. When we applied to use our LTC insurance, the agency providing the care sent their evaluation to the company and we also had to send the most recent medical records related to my husband's condition. Some insurance companies don't pay the agency or facility directly, but the client pays the agency or facility then submits the bills monthly for reimbursement.

Isthisrealyreal May 2021
This is a caregivers forum. Not a care provider.

You would have to check with your insurance company to find out what and who they will cover. I bet they have a list of approved providers in your area.

There are usually requirements to meet that will get payment for services, like must be licensed and bonded.

Please speak with your agent if possible to simplify the process for you.


Learn2Cope May 2021
My mother has been able to use hers for home care twice, once for a few days and another time for a few weeks. We had to answer a survey as to what she was able to do or not do, what her mental capacity was, etc. If a person meets the requirements for needing long term care, likely it would pay for home or institution.

AlvaDeer May 2021
Check with your insurance agency to ask them what they cover.


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