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PollyN Asked May 2021

Should I wake my mom up if she sleeps into the late morning? It seems sometimes all she does is sleep.

I am new here. My mom moved in a few months ago. She is 88 and has dementia. She sleeps well at night for which I am grateful. She goes to bed around 8-8:30 and sometimes sleeps until almost noon. A few times this week, I peeked in around 10 - 11. She was in the bathroom so I figured I would start making her breakfast, but when I checked again, she had gone back to bed. Is this normal?

cwillie May 2021
People do tend to sleep more and more in the latter years of their life but I am of the opinion that it is better if possible to get up in the morning and then lie down again for a nap if needed.
-it allows for toileting or incontinence changes
-it is better for skin integrity to get out of bed and move,
-it allows them to eat and drink something which can help stave off dehydration, digestive issues and the frailty that can be the result of too few calories
-it keeps medication schedules consistent
-it may help with bedtime and overnight sleeplessness
KKTheBean May 2021
Good morning. :0) I was so glad you replied add you did, regarding the question on elderly sleeping in. They were mainly things that hadn't occurred to me. Excellent points!! Thank you.
Riley2166 May 2021
I will be 88 and I must have ten solid hours of sleep and wake up naturally. If I do, I can handle just about anything during the day as I am very busy doing something constantly. When I worked, I got seven or eight hours sleep and had to fight constantly to stay awake and not be a complete zombie. I go to bed around l a.m. as I can't sleep before the and often wake up at 11:30 a.m. Leave us alone - sleep is healing and does not hurt anyone. And why get up? What do old people do? Not much of anything so let us sleep.
Emmdee May 2021
Brilliant answer!

Why do people feel the need to impose their schedules on us oldies?


funkygrandma59 May 2021
Other than if her diaper needs to be changed(you say in your profile she's incontinent) so she won't get any sores, I would let her sleep. It's kind of like you never want to wake a sleeping baby. You can probably get a whole lot more done with her sleeping, so enjoy it while it lasts, because with dementia things can change on a dime. Wishing you the best, and please make sure that you're taking care of yourself, and taking time for yourself as well.
PollyN May 2021
I didn’t say that in my profile so I am not sure if it may have been confused with someone else. She does most of her own toileting but does wear disposable underwear.
Dccneal May 2021
My mother is 92 with dementia. I recently placed her in assisted living because after 4-5 years of her living with my husband and me, I could no longer be therapeutic with her. Anyway, she has always liked to sleep in late, and she continued to do so even as her bedtime became earlier (10 p.m.). I gave up on trying to get her going in the morning and allowed her to sleep in until 1 or 2 p.m. She could easily sleep in until 4 p.m. and still go to bed at 10. Her doctors, including her neurologist have expressed it is not a worry, so I don’t worry. At the Assisted Living facility, they bring her breakfast late morning and she may go back to sleep until 2-3 p.m. She misses out on activities, but she is adamant about sleeping late. She is taking an antidepressant and does not show other signs of depression. I think it is her way of coping with a life for which she feels little enthusiasm.

cdulac May 2021
As long as she’s sleeping through the night I don’t think it’s a problem. Our bodies tell us when we need sleep. Let her enjoy it.
RedVanAnnie May 2021
seem right to me, too Sleeping may be what your mother most needs to do now.
garylee May 2021
My wife often sleeps until noon. She is put to bed nightly between 9:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. As long as I can see her chest moving, I am happy that she sleeps.

Late morning sleeping for her means "brain rest" for me!

Taarna May 2021
Since she sleeps well at night, I wouldn't worry too much. Many seniors take a nap after lunch and then sleep well at night. It seems your mom prefers her "naps" in the morning. As long as she is eating well, getting plenty of fluids, and some sunshine - she seems to be fine.

bevthegreat May 2021
If you chose to sleep in,, would you want someone waking you up?

People with dementia do sleep alot and when you're older you sleep more anyway.

I would let her sleep in as long as it doesn't effect her sleeping at night.

You might ask her if she would like you to wake her up in the mornings or let her wake up when she wants.

Do you have something for her to do or is she waking up sooner to have more time during the day to stare at the walls?

Isabelsdaughter May 2021
As long as she is sleeping at night, I suppose it would be ok to sleep during the day. Dementia must be a nightmare, and sleeping might just be an escape. My Mom slept alot too.

BritishCarer May 2021
This is OK both for you and your mother. People with dementia need more sleep and can often regulate it themselves. This is one of the great advantages of being at home, not in a care home with regulated times for sleeping, drinking and eating meals.

My wife is 14 years into Alzheimers and sleeps well from 8pm to 9:15 in the morning. She is confined to bed, but still able to relate and smile, although she is often hard to understand. Then after breakfast and watching tv she naps for a while, wakes up, has lunch and then naps again. She is sleeping some 17 to 19 hours of 24, which is a lot.

However, there are research studies that suggest sleep helps people with dementia to live better with the amyloid plaques and Tau tangles in the brain. It does not remove either the plaques or the tangles, but it seems in some way that is not understood to enable the person with dementia to live a better quality of life.

This has been true for me and my wife of 58 years for several years now. As other respondents have said, many family caregivers become exhausted because the person they are caring for is NOT sleeping and demanding that others stay up with them.

Be encouraged. You can manage this.

Take care (of yourself). Give care (to others).

Prayers in facing the daily challenges of life.
disgustedtoo May 2021
"...not in a care home with regulated times for sleeping, drinking and eating meals."

Not all places have a regimented schedule. At the facility my mother was in, they could get up when they wanted and eat when they wanted. Certainly there were regular meal times, with food delivered at those times, but the majority were ready, willing and able to partake in those meal times, many getting settled at the tables up to 30 minutes before the food was even brought to the unit! For those who didn't want to eat at those times or slept in or napped, there was always some food that could be provided when they wanted to eat.

They would also have activities scheduled at various times of the day, and would encourage as many as possible to participate. No one was ever forced to join in or adjust their own personal "schedule" to the "norm."

I can certainly understand places that do try to keep on some kind of schedule. They have to tend to many for meals, bathing, toileting, changing, medications, etc. as well as planned activities. Without some kind of schedule, it would be total chaos.
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