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mypungie1 Asked May 2021

What is the average minimum hours required to hire someone to check on an individual's home?

What is the average minimum hours required to hire someone to check on an individual's home? It's in Austin, Texas. Lets say twice per week. Very early time of Dementia. 2-3 hour per visit.

NeedHelpWithMom May 2021
When I had help through Council on Aging, they sent caregivers to our home for four hour shifts.

Call and check with nearby agencies.

Best wishes to you and your family.

Stacy0122 May 2021
Depends on the agency. Call around.


AlvaDeer May 2021
This is a forum with advice for those caregiving elders. Not a business. There are some ad sponsors on the right of the page. You could contact like providers in your area of need through googling their contact numbers. Good luck/


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